Wake up with Guayaki Yerba Mate

Review: Yerba Mate drink


Photo by: Guayaki Yerba Mate

All six flavors of erba mate made by Guayaki.

As final exams loom over students, many pull all-nighters, turning to energy drinks to supplement their lack of sleep. Unlike popular sugary energy drinks like Redbull and Monster,  Yerba Mate is a “healthier” alternative, although is still filled with caffeine. It’s a natural herbal tea, but has the same amount of caffeine as other energy drinks, causing fewer long-term negative effects. Because of the tea in the drink, it not only awakens drinkers but is also relaxing.  The real question is: what is the best flavor?

First up, the most popular flavor, Bluephoria, tastes like blueberry and elderberry.  “I’ve only tried Bluephoria, but it is so good that I don’t want to try another one,” junior Sarah Singh said. “It genuinely tastes like blueberry, which I was shocked by.” Typically, people dislike Yerba Mate because of its earthy-tea taste.  However, Bluephoria is packed with sugars and caffeine, so such flavors are diluted, making it the perfect pick for a first-time Yerba Mate consumer. 

Next, Orange Exuberance has a citrusy taste. The flavor is definitely more subtle than Bluephoria, but it is absolutely delicious. “Honestly, it was really good,” junior Jeniya Griffin said. “I wish it was a little sweeter, but I guess I could get used to it if I drank it more.” 


Then, there is Revel Berry, flavored with raspberries and blackberries. Revel Berry is notably more natural-tasting than Bluephoria, so be warned if you have an aversion to earthy tastes. “I was kind of surprised when I first drank it because it was more earthy than I was expecting,” freshman Riley Yates said. “But when I kept drinking it, it actually tasted pretty good. I think I was just expecting a more sugary drink.” 

Lemon Elation is disappointing compared to the other flavors, making it one of the least popular flavor.



Additionally, there is Enlightenmint, flavored with peppermint and honey. “It wasn’t awful,” junior Lindsey Clennan said. “It definitely wasn’t my favorite, but I would drink it again.” Enlightenmint isn’t necessarily bad, however, it just doesn’t hit like the other flavors did. 



For the 25th anniversary of Guayaki Yerba Mate released a new flavor called Tropical Uprising. The drink is flavored with mangoes, pineapples, and hibiscus, which is a genius combination. “I only tried it because the can was pretty,” senior Matthew Babb said. “I really liked it, and it was pretty cool! Maybe I need to try the rest.” Many of the flavors have a similar taste to them, but Tropical Uprising tastes fairly different from the others.




In general, Yerba Mate is a delicious and fairly natural way to boost energy. In addition to the taste, it is much healthier than most other energy drinks, which is an additional benefit. Each of the above flavors can be purchased at any local grocery store, making it an easy and affordable caffeinated beverage to obtain.