CMoR crowns Midlo junior Katherine Krievs 2020 Snow Queen
2020 Snow Queen Scholarship
On January 11, 2020, the Children’s Museum of Richmond crowned junior Katherine Krievs as the 2020 recipient of the Snow Queen Scholarship. Every year, the museum selects a high school junior who exemplifies the characteristics of Legendary Santa’s Snow Queen, demonstrating leadership qualities in her everyday life. Krievs was not only selected by the museum through an application process, but also won the popular vote, earning the prestigious title of Snow Queen.
Krievs’ coronation took place at the Snow Days Festival in Richmond. For free admission, children could participate in snow-themed games, play with snow slime, see the Frozen characters, Anna, Elsa, and Olaf, and meet the Snow Queen. After the festival, many families entered the museum and explored.
The Coronation of the 2020 Snow Queen began at 11 a.m. in the museum. Krievs appeared before the crowd in a complimentary dress from Tiffany’s, alongside the 2019 Snow Queen, Glen Allen High senior Katie Taguchi, who passed the crown on to Krievs. After Taguchi crowned Krievs, the enthusiastic crowd of children and families erupted into applause. Krievs then received a $1,000 college scholarship in the form of a large check. After this, Krievs and Taguchi read the picture book, Guess How Much I Love You, by Sam McBratney, to the eager children.
Following the ceremony, the children embraced Krievs, showering her with hugs and affection. Many held wands and donned tiaras provided by the museum. Krievs mingled with the children, taking pictures, reading stories, and joining them on the carousel. She describes her new role as Snow Queen, saying, “I feel honored to be chosen by the public for this position; it’s so fun and rewarding to be a role model for children and to have the opportunity to inspire them.” Throughout the year, she will continue her responsibilities as Snow Queen, attending various events, such as: the Richmond Christmas Parade, tree lightings, and Tea with Santa. Next year, she will have the honor of crowning the 2021 Snow Queen.