Finding Our Heroes
Midlo Students Appreciate Heroes with Mrs. O’Kleasky’s PBL Project
Since October, Midlothian High School’s Photo 2 and 2H level students have devoted much of their time to a PBL (Project Based Learning) model, which was revealed on Thursday, May 3, 2018.
In this project, Mrs. Marie O’Kleasky‘s photo students showed off their creative skills by selecting five people that they consider to be heroes. They interviewed and photographed those who inspire them and also created ornament-like structures using different photographic techniques to hang from a tree that the students also crafted. They displayed the photographs on a table next to the tree, which was decorated with a variety of mixed media and illuminating lights. Students invited their families and heroes to attend the tree exhibition and ceremony on May 3, 2018, in the Midlothian High School library.
The guests had the chance to enjoy cake, snacks, and music, while admiring the art and hearing the students’ responses about what makes a hero a hero. “A hero is someone who is admired for their courage and noble qualities,” according to sophomore Avnee Raje.
“A hero is someone who puts others before themselves, ” according to Olivia Clarke.
After acknowledgment and reflection of what makes a hero important, students left with inspired minds and a desire to change the world in positive ways. Mrs. O’Kleasky told parents, “These students worked extremely hard on this PBL, and I must say, the results were amazing.”