XC States qualifiers set off to claim victory
Celebration for XC States participants
Midlo receives recognition all across Chesterfield County for its undeniable spirit and support for its Community of Excellence, as well as the students, teachers, and faculty within it. Following this trend, on Friday, November 15, 2019, students from various grades gathered near the student parking lot exit to cheer on their fellow classmates, as they departed for the VHSL Class 5A Cross Country State Championships during Midlo Morning. This send-off amped up the runners for their upcoming race, sending them off prepared to represent their school to the best of their abilities.
Good luck to the following participants as they race for the gold at the state championship competition:
Brian Tavenner
Will Gardner
Gabriella Garcia
Kylie Bonser
Caroline Bowe
Annabel Schepker
Chloe Martin
Nicole Quiram
Lena Caffall
Katherine Krievs
Alexis Murias
Millie Weinhold
Adela Sinerova
Ally Marmo