Midlo Springs Into Final Pep Rally
2019 Spring Pep Rally
On Friday, March 22, 2019, Midlo students descended on the gym to show their Midlo spirit at the Spring Pep Rally. With promises of lasting memories through a head-to-head class dance-off, Midlo students determined not only to attend the last Midlo pep rally of the school year, but also to dominate it. Each class strutted confidently into the gym; freshmen had the luck of the Irish on their side through their green wear, sophomores shined radiantly in a burst of all-white attire, juniors showed their fire in red, and seniors rose from the ashes in black, showing their strength.
The booming sound of the Voice of Midlo, Mr. Tim Johnson, invited students to experience yet another legendary Midlo pep rally. Led by the Trojan mascot, the spring sports teams paraded through the gym. Following their arrival, the Trojanettes cleared the floor to perform an impressive dance routine, evoking applause from the classes that filled the gym space. After the Trojanettes pumped up the crowd, the traditional pep rally games commenced, as both students and faculty went head-to-head in the dizzying bat event.
After a head-spinning game, Midlo freshmen, juniors, and seniors competed in the Class Dance Competition. Each class grooved to the top hits in pop, hip-hop, and R&B, following each beat through their body movements in their carefully planned group performance. To support each group, the entire student body of the performing class roared with thunderous cries of encouragement and enthusiasm. Although each class showed their skills through acrobatic flips, 360 spins, and airborne lifts, the juniors impressed the judges through a dance synchronized and lively enough to win the competition.
Continuing the pep rally games, two simultaneous games of Crab Soccer took over the gym floor. Seniors and sophomores crawled all over the right court, vying for a chance to kick the ball, while juniors and freshmen battled on the left court to attain the winning title. After the thrilling game, the classes enthusiastically participated in the famous victory cheer, led by Midlo cheerleaders. Pulling out all the stops, each class attempted to out-cheer each other with full energy, force, and fire to claim the true victory.
As a final stamp on the event, the judges gave their final evaluations of each class and announced the juniors as victorious winners of the Spring Pep Rally. Earned based on spirit, participation, and sportsmanship, the juniors raised the spirit stick and held it with honor and pride to celebrate their 1st place win in the pep rally. Seniors came in a close 2nd place, while freshmen and sophomores earned 3rd and 4th place respectively. Without a doubt, each class showed their Midlo spirit through epic balloons, dauntless posters, clever attire, and uproarious screams, matching the volume of the Midlo Pep Band. The 2019 Spring Pep Rally dynamically closed out this year’s pep rallies, creating unforgettable memories of an extraordinary event.

Lauren Cassano, Class of 2022
This year, senior Lauren Cassano is celebrating her fourth year on staff. She is Midlo Scoop’s designated photographer,...