Homecoming Parade Showcases Circus Atmosphere
Homecoming Parade 2017
On Friday, October 13, 2017, contrary to the rain, Midlothian classes, clubs, and royalty showed off their school spirit in the annual Homecoming Parade. Students, teachers, and parents alike gathered at the Midlothian High School track to watch the processions take place. Midlo fans enjoyed bursts of many colors and energetic music as the various floats made their way around the track. The grand entrances of the princesses, color guard, and marching band drew attention to the parade, where participants treated the spectators to a lively show.
The parade included creative floats for each class and club at Midlo. The freshman and sophomore classes dressed in animal costumes, as juniors followed close behind. Wearing yellow raincoats and holding red balloons from the horror movie “IT”, the juniors looked like they had just stepped out of the movie screen. Last but not least, the members of the senior class dressed as ringleaders, correlating with the overall circus theme designated for homecoming. Members and sponsors of many different clubs also showed their creative spirit. Spirit Club, FBLA, the Wellness Club, Spanish Club, CTE, STEM, DECA, and Interact Club each arrived in cool floats created by their members.
The Midlo Homecoming royalty also had their time to shine. The princesses from each class had fun riding with their fellow nominees around the track on top of convertibles. As they did, viewers from around the track cheered and took pictures. The senior princesses, however, rode one by one around the track, waving and smiling at their classmates as they slowly drove by, as they defied the rain with umbrellas. Overall, the 2017 Homecoming parade showcased the tremendous amount of school spirit Midlo has to offer.