Seniors accept final farewells at award ceremony
Class of 2022 awards ceremony
Just before seniors clocked out for the season, they attended the 2022 Senior Awards Ceremony. They came dressed head-to-toe in their dark blue graduation gowns along with their numerous cords. With a class of 443, the senior class packed the entire auditorium, along with their parents who sat along the outside rows.
The awards ceremony began with the Senior Class President, Eliza Adamick, delivering a short speech to her peers about the time they’ve shared together. She introduced the Senior Class Council of Emma Precopio, Bridget Tracy, Alex Walker and Parker Gilmer. Then, she passed the microphone over to Dr. Shawn Abel, who greeted the senior class. He spent a few minutes reminiscing on all of his memories with the senior class. Memories such as the pep-rally, spirit days, first day of freshmen year, and much more. He made note of the achievements of the graduating class, such as the completion of over one thousand AP and IB assessments – a first for Midlo. He mentioned events such as the tailgate held by Quinn McCarthy and Brayden Stotler along with the school’s musical, Sweeney Todd, whose top vocalists John Sheldon and Cohen Steele made the night one to remember.
The microphone was then passed over to IB Coordinator Mr. Stuart Jones to present the first award of the night. He awarded Sofia Craig and Grayden Holliday for their academic excellence, character and involvement both inside and outside of school.
Then, each of the core departments sent one representative to deliver the awards on behalf of those teachers. First up, representing the English Department, Ms. Lisa Martin Hudgins announced 14 students who were recognized in their class for work ethic, writing ability, attitude, or any quality that makes a student stand out. Then, she announced eight students who excelled in Journalism and other publications.
Mr. Danny Abell took the stage next, representing the Social Studies Departmentt. He began with a quote from Nelson Mandela to inspire the graduates. Then, he announced seven students who received an award for their enthusiasm and diligence in social studies.
Up next was Mr. Badr Sharobim, who announced students who excelled and advanced in math. He awarded Daniel Son for his achievement in being the highest scoring student for the Virginia Math League in all of Chesterfield County. He proceeded to award eleven students for their excellent work with math.
Then, Ms. Katie Goins, representing the Science Department, awarded twelve more students for their studious work ethics and overall dedication to the sciences. She then announced Grayden Holliday and Nicole Quiram, who received medals for the most outstanding IB and AP science students.
Representing, the World Language Department was Ms. Amy Peterson. She delivered Sign Language, French, Spanish, Latin, and German awards to students who excelled in language studies. Seventeen students were recognized for their five years or more language studies and were awarded a medal.
Ms. Yvonne Mullins took the mic next to announce the Career and Technical Education (CTE) awards. She delivered awards to students who excelled in business, marketing, technical drawing, and technical education. Seven students were congratulated as they received their certificates.
Next, Ms. Nina Good, representing the Fine Arts Department, awarded twenty-eight students either for art pieces that were recognized in the Scholastic Art Awards, or students who went beyond the canvas and made an impact in their classrooms. Then, nineteen more students were congratulated for their impact in chorus, band, and theater.
The microphone was then passed to Mr. Kevin Thomas, who awarded nine students for cooperative attitude, academic achievement, and leadership in the physical education classroom. On the same note, sports director Ms. Shea Collins delivered a heartfelt speech from the athletics department, which shared her feelings for sports students who struggled in class due to their loyalty to school sports. She mentioned how any sports student with a 3.0 GPA or higher would receive a Scholar-Athlete Medal.
Dr. Denise Bowes announced all thirty-nine recipients of the Trojan Nation Award, who were thanked for their time in the Sidekick Program. Then, the senior class officers were thanked and congratulated for their dedication, leadership, and hard work towards the class of 2022. At this point, the screen dropped and students watched the 2022 senior superlative video, produced by the yearbook staff.
After that, thirty-three more students were applauded for their overall leadership and positive contributions to the school. After a handful more of awards, the moment all seniors were waiting for: the announcement of their class top ten. In descending order, the Top Ten were Ava Wladar, Erica Hidinger-Wood, Brayden Thomas, Lola Quraishi, Samuel Huff, Paige Dudley, Molly Geocker, Gabriella Garcia, and for the salutatorian, Grayden Holliday, and the valedictorian, Nicole Quiram.
Students erupted in cheers and applause as their classmates accepted their awards and bowed on the stage. As the ceremony ended, Adamick passed the Senior Class Gavel over to the rising Senior Class President, Samuel Sperry.
Closing remarks were delivered by Dr. Abel, who released seniors from the auditorium and reminded them of their graduation on Monday, May 23 at the Siegel Center in downtown Richmond.
To view the program from the ceremony, click here. To view all photos from the award ceremony, click here.

Kyle Reeder, Class of 2023
Kyle Reeder has been on staff for four years and is the Multi-Media Editor. Outside of school, he runs cross country and...