IB freshmen earn pizza party

IB Membership Drive

IB students enjoy complimentary pizza and small talk at the IB Pizza Party.

On Friday, November 1, 2019 Midlo IB freshmen earned a pizza party. For the first year, the International Baccalaureate Parent Council (IBPC) decided to hold a competition to recognize the class that raised the highest percentage of student membership dues. The Class of 2023 led most of the competition and ended up winning the pizza party.

Students began turning in their IBPC dues on the first day of school, and the competition ran until October 28th. To participate, the students had to submit $40 to the IBPC; this money provides financial assistance for students, supports the program’s initiatives, and funds IB senior scholarships. 

The freshman class entered into the IB lounge to enjoy Marco’s pizza, soda, fruit, and candy. Noelia McCaffrey states that the pizza party was “fun” and describes the competition as a “good incentive to donate to the Parent Council.” Within all of the classes, over 75 students participated in the competition.