Rowe and Nugent Named 2019 Midlo Students of the Year
Midlo Students of the Year: Michael Rowe and Sarah Nugent
Each year, Midlothian High School recognizes the accomplishments of one freshman/sophomore student and one junior/senior student, naming them Midlo Students of the Year. This year, sophomore Sarah Nugent and senior Michael Rowe earned the prestigious honor of Midlo Students of the Year.
Teachers and her peers described sophomore Sarah Nugent as someone who is friendly to all, takes her responsibilities seriously, and fiercely competes. She always strives to be her best self, as her outstanding grades demonstrate. Beyond academics, Sarah is devoted to helping peers achieve personal growth. She also is committed to her athletic pursuits, competing in both basketball and soccer. Currently, Sarah participates in Midlo’s Latin Elementary Teaching Program, supporting our younger students. She demonstrates strong leadership skills, currently serving as an outstanding FBLA officer. As an example of her servant leadership, she stepped up this year to assist in the Medford Basketball games as an announcer. Congratulations, Sarah Nugent.
Senior Michael Rowe is an exemplary student, leader, and all around person. One teacher described this student as a true Renaissance Man, always giving 100% and seeing the value of learning in every opportunity. While remaining in the top 10% of his class academically, he remains humble, inquisitive, energetic, genuine, and kind-hearted. This student is a varsity athlete and a leader on Midlo’s boys volleyball team, while simultaneously reporting to the theater after each practice to help build the amazing set for our fall musical, The Wizard of Oz. However, he does limit his creativity to behind the scenes. Some may remember him as Pap in Huck Finn, or a frustrated father in the Curious Incident of the Dog and the Night-time. Meanwhile, this young man recently earned the prestigious rank of Eagle Scout. Michael demonstrates the ideal characteristics of an individual prepared for success in life. Our senior recipient is invested in the world around him and looks to support our nation by accepting his appointment to the United States Air Force Academy next fall. Congratulations, Michael Rowe.