Seniors Dare Greatly
Senior Convocation, 2018
On Thursday, September 20, 2018, the senior class filed into the Midlothian High School auditorium to take the next step in their high school career at Senior Convocation. Mrs. Elizabeth Baber, followed by class sponsors, Mrs. Carolyn Manheim and Mr. Chris Eliot, welcomed the senior class to the ceremony. Class of 2019 President Sujeet Alwin approached the podium to introduce the special guest speaker, Mrs. Annemarie Hensley, a local successful realtor, business owner, and mother of Midlo students, Lauren and Savannah Hensley.
Mrs. Hensley challenged the students to dare greatly and be vulnerable. “It’s not the critic who’s important. It’s you,” states Hensley. “When you’re out there trying that new sport, raising your hand in class, sharing your creations.” Through her speech, Mrs. Hensley inspired the class members to resiliently finish their final chapter of high school.
Following the speech, Mr. Eliot and Mrs. Manheim inducted the senior class officers: Sujeet Alwin (President), Josue Candeleria (Vice President), Amanda Chok (Secretary), Da-Lan Pham (Funding Vice President), and Maclane Self (Historian). Alwin then announced and congratulated the new senior class council. Before the ceremony came to a close, Maclane Self adorned this year’s graduation gown, modeling the garb that would allow them leave their mark on high school.
After the ceremony concluded, the seniors made their way towards the closed commons and senior courtyard, where members of the PTSO provided a delicious breakfast consisting of Chick-Fil-A chicken minis, cookies, muffins, and fruit. Convocation gave seniors the opportunity to reflect on their journey thus far, and challenge themselves to dare greater than they ever had before.