Surveying the Court
In the Swing With Girls Tennis
The Midlo girls tennis team won state championships last year and hopes to achieve the same feat this year as well.
Among some of the most competitive sports Midlothian High School has to offer is tennis, both from the boys and girls side. The girls team in particular begins this year defending a two time state championship, with senior captains Brooke Gore, Sarah Holland, Courtney Price, and Malia Wing leading the pack to accomplish extraordinary feats yet again and wow Midlo.
The biggest goal of the girls season, unequivocally, is to win state championships yet again for the third time. In order to achieve that formidable feat, the girls will have to do well in their two biggest matches of this year against Hanover, who lost to Midlo in the finals last year, and Mills Godwin, who holds the title of the 5A state champions.
The girls tennis team certainly has a large title to defend; moreover, the team needs to adjust and redefine its team structure to acknowledge that the top two seated tennis girls graduated last year. However, co-captain Malia Wing emphasized that the greatest strength of the team lies in its ability to display cooperation and respect toward one another, regardless of it being a coach to player interaction or a player to player interaction. “I think that we are all really close, which is true for some teams, but not all of them,” says Wing. “We get along really well and love playing together, and our coach is really great! He is so supportive but also pushes us to always be our best.”
Additionally, even though the tennis team may need to replace its top two seated players, the group of girls still on the team still remain fierce, strategic competitors, who are able to display skillful mental toughness, while still having fun on the court. Wing also mentioned the positive collaboration she has experienced with her fellow captains, expressing how working with Coach Pom and captains Gore, Holland, and Price is fun and means a lot. “It’s also really awesome to get to play a big role in welcoming the new girls onto the team,” adds Wing. “I’m always excited for the tennis season because of the great group of girls who are on the team. We all get along really well and it makes the season really fun when you are playing with a bunch of friends!”
Though incredibly ecstatic about the prospects and strengths, Wing also reflected on being on Midlo’s tennis team one last year and the personal goals she has for herself. “I will really miss the girls…I have made some really close friendships through the team, and I will miss getting to see these girls every day,” said Wing. “I will also really miss Coach Pom; he has always been so supportive of me and is a huge part in the improvements I have made in the past two seasons. Being a senior on this team is bittersweet, but I have seen some amazing seniors graduate in the last couple of years, and I have seen how the tennis team continues to be supportive of them as they go off to college.” Midlo Scoop wishes Wing and the girls tennis team the best of luck throughout their season and can’t wait to see the successes they will inevitably come across.