Reading to Win

Summer Reading Challenge, 2017

Photo by: Rachel Bybee
Assistant Librarian Emilia Mazzanti helps a student during the Summer Reading Celebration.

The Closed Commons bustled with students on September 20th, their faces glowing with the anticipation of earning a prize from their summer reading. The number of books students read over the summer determined the amount of times their names were entered into the raffle for prizes. If picked, the student earned his choice of prize, which included: gift cards, books, headphones, and speakers. Most students happily walked away with something.

Students who had read the most books were the first to choose.  Junior Rachel Bybee read the most books, a grand total of 13. Mrs. Heather Murfee, Midlo’s head librarian, who helped organize the event, says, “I was thrilled with the number of students who participated. Everyone, please keep reading!”

Smiling teachers and librarians watched as students excitedly claimed their rewards for their hard work. Everyone enjoyed delicious food, such as: doughnuts, pizza, fruit, and chicken minis, students gathered, filled their stomachs, and spent quality time with fellow readers. Some summer readers sat with friends, while others made new friends. Prize or no prize, each student left a winner.