Filling Our Bellies and Our Hearts

Cafeteria Staff Appreciation


The Midlothian High school cafeteria staff groups together to recieve recognition for Teacher Appreciation week.

Is there a day to honor those wonderful cafeteria workers who nourish us daily? These incredible staff members at Midlothian High School keep bellies full and do so with smiles on their faces. Ultimately, there should be a day to recognize all the hard work and selflessness that these fantastic employees extend.  However, If there isn’t a Cafeteria Workers Appreciation Day, Midlo Scoop has decided to make one! .

In the morning, when students are groggy, students trudge down to the cafeteria for breakfast. The women who swipes their cards or collect their money always ask how they are doing, talk to them, and generally make them feel better. The cafeteria workers in the kitchen, like Ms. Christine Stroud, the MHS Cafeteria Manager, work diligently to keep students nourished so that they are able to perform in the classroom, and more importantly, perform in life. Furthermore, they are always at school before students because breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Students feel their love and support in the form of sausage biscuits and other forms of momma’s home cooking, or whatever else these wonderful people whip up on a daily basis. 

Therefore, let all Midlothian students attempt to reciprocate that affection and shower the cafeteria staff here at Midlothian High School with the recognition they deserve. If anything, let this serve as a huge THANK YOU to the individuals whose hard work impacts the lives of so many students here at Midlothian High School each day.