Midlothian swimmers celebrate seniors
2020 Swimming Senior Night v. Monacan
On Saturday, January 11, 2019, the Midlothian High School Varsity Swim teams swam against their biggest rivals, the Monacan Chiefs, at Greater Richmond Aquatics Partnership (GRAP) pool. Along with being a big rivalry contest, this meet was also the night to celebrate Midlo’s senior swimmers. Swimmers shared memories with each other as they walked across the bridge with their parents. Activities Director Shea Collins presented each swimmer a bouquet of flowers, as Midlo’s Principal, Dr. Shawn Abel, read a bio written by either the swimmer or his/her parents about their future. “I’m going to miss the friends I have made and the whole experience of doing a high school sport,” said senior Thomas Mendoza.
The team includes several senior male swimmers this year: Alexi Gentz, Justin Geiszler, Andrew Evitts, Thomas Mendoza, Stephen Mabry, and Dylan Vincent, who have contributed greatly to the swim team over the years, cheering their fellow swimmers on in races and pumping up swimmers for meets. Although the boys swam their hardest, Monacan overpowered them 155 to 130.
The three senior girls celebrated on this special night, Sydney Carpenter, Gabi Rizzo, and Peyton Geiszler, have made a significant impact on the team throughout their years, which made saying farewell hard for the coaches and the other swimmers. Despite the determination to beat Monacan and the hard fought races, Midlo girls fell to the Chiefs 193 to 93. Overall, despite the loss, Midlo felt like they had won by taking the time to celebrate and remember the good times they have had with their fellow senior swimmers.