What’s in a name?
Spotlight on: Severin McNulty, Midlothian Freshman

Photo by: Emily Gundel
What’s in a Name? This week’s spotlight: Senior Kaija Taylor

This week’s Spotlight on: Severin McNulty
Midlo Scoop’s What’s in a Name? segment highlights Midlo students who possess unique names. This week’s spotlight is on freshman Severin McNulty, the captain of his water polo team, Capital Water Polo.
What’s the story behind your name?
“I got it from my dad’s grandfather’s dad.”
How do you feel about your name?
“It’s awesome because it’s totally unique, and I’ve never met another person with the name.”
What’s the funniest story about your name?
“Once in a blue moon one of my teachers will spell and pronounce my name correctly.”
Were there any other names that your parents had thought of? If so what were they?
“Nope, just Severin.”
What’s your favorite thing about high school so far?
“I like that we don’t have to use lockers, and we get to carry our backpacks.”