New Trojans discover new interests at annual Club Fair
Midlothian High School Club Fair 2019
Midlo’s freshman class, along with numerous transfer students, could not have prepared for the high level of energy displayed during the Midlothian High School Club Fair on Friday, September 6, 2019. What were they expecting: boring posters held up by unenthusiastic club recruiters? Five, seven, or maybe even ten clubs? Think again, new students, because the Midlo High Club Fair defies all preconceptions. As soon as the students entered the auxiliary gym, they found themselves immediately captivated by all of the different possibilities in front of them. They saw row after row of booths advertising all the unique clubs Midlothian has to offer, such as the many language, business/marketing, community service, academic, and recreational groups that make Midlo so special.
The various club recruiters cheered for the incoming freshmen, attempting to persuade them to join their respective clubs. Spanish, Latin, German, and French club showed off their love for languages to the new students with a stream of flyers and candy. Interact Club cheered for all the students, emphasizing the importance of community service as active students in the community, gaining 50 new club members. FBLA shouted and cheered for their business club, handing out bags of popcorn, labeled “FBLA is poppin.” DECA chatted with marketing students about the benefits and quality experiences gained from joining the club, while passing out candy and successfully promoting the club. Midlo’s SCA hollered and corralled the freshmen to their table, encouraging them to become active members in the behind the scenes activities at Midlo. Fishing Club achieved roughly 100 new memberships at their first club fair, as many students show curiosity for this unique club. The Trojans’ new Yoga Club also gained a significant amount of members at the annual club fair, as it made its debut as an exciting, new club.
The Club Fair left the pleasantly surprised freshmen and transfer students thrilled to join all sorts of activities and provided a promising opportunity to meet new people. An exciting new year awaits.