Scherer looks forward to new chapter after Midlo
Mr. Steve Scherer retires in 2019
As the school year comes to a close, Midlothian students, faculty, and administrators say goodbye to a few beloved members of the Midlothian family, including: Mr. Steve Scherer. Scherer joined Midlothian’s coterie of educators six years ago, but has dedicated his time to teaching youth for over 25 years in total. Throughout his time as a Trojan faculty member, Scherer focused on a wide variety of subjects, such as: Principles of Business & Marketing, Economics and Personal Finance, Basic Technical Drawing, Engineering Drawing, Architectural Drawing, and Advanced Drawing. Prior to this he taught Construction Technology and Automation Processes at other schools in Chesterfield County, such as Meadowbrook High School and Matoaca High School.
Of the determining factors that led him to his decision to begin teaching business and engineering classes, Scherer shares, “I spent many years working in public and private sectors worldwide before considering my commitment to public education. One of my professional long-term goals has been to do my part to help prepare America’s workforce to maintain its global technological competitiveness. I think the subjects I have taught for CCPS align well with that goal.” As a teacher in the Career and Technical Education field, Scherer consistently completed his goal and worked as a major part in the preparation of students for the workforce. “He leads classes very well and allows us to go at our own pace which helps us learn much better,” shares one of his students, Matt Fulthunn.
This valued member of the community also fondly reflects on the six years he spent at Midlo, sharing, “I see Midlo as a community with the goal of providing all of its student citizens the opportunity to grow toward their dreams and goals. Regardless of background, every student citizen in this community has had the opportunity to chart their own course and reach as high as their abilities and desire. That’s a big deal to me.” The identification of Midlothian as a “Community of Excellence” truly holds steadfast to Scherer, as he recognizes the school’s effort to provide equal and plentiful opportunities and development to each student that walks through the doors.
When asked his fondest memory throughout his high school experience, Scherer comments, “I don’t have a single fondest memory, but I will remember the pleasure I had sharing learning experiences with all of my students. No matter where you are on the learning continuum, there is always something new to pick-up. Having students use the information I’ve shared and take it a step further has been great.” He also recalls numerous trips he took with Mrs. Carolyn Manheim and DECA members for state competitions that he thoroughly enjoyed.
Scherer signifies the essence of what every teacher at Midlo should aspire to be; he shows dedication and commitment to his students on a daily basis, always going the extra mile to show that he cares for every group of pupils that enters his room. “I’ve really enjoyed working with young, vibrant minds and clever ideas. Not a day has gone by where I haven’t been impressed by the quality of students throughout Midlothian. I would hope that my students would also look back and say that their time in Lab 328 was enjoyable and well spent,” the retiree shares.
Following the end of his career as a teacher, Scherer states, “I don’t really see my transition from Midlothian at age 62 as the ‘R-word.’ It’s just time to do something different. And, I have a lot of ‘somethings’ to choose from right
now.” When he first exited college, he joined the Peace Corps, which he recounts as an eye-opening experience. He plans to volunteer for this fulfilling activity again, as well as plentiful travelling. Scherer and his wife also plan to cross off a lot of bucket-list items, such as learning to play pickle ball and salsa dancing. Scherer optimistically looks forward to his future, sharing, “I plan to continue enjoying it with new friends and the people I love for as long as I can!”.
Members of the Midlo family share their thoughts on Mr. Scherer:
“Mr. Scherer is the consummate professional, always willing to assist where needed. His instructional style meets students where they are while allowing them to work at their pace. With his extensive knowledge, his Technical Drawing students have been able to create some very impressive engineering projects.” –Midlothian High Principal, Dr. Shawn Abel
“Mr. Scherer truly cares about each and every one of his students; he works hard to show us that our education is very important to him. He is very dedicated to teaching his students valuable information, and he likes to frame his class like a college level course which I enjoy because I feel like I have learned a lot from it.” – Ethan Smith, 11
“He was one of my favorite teachers. The way he set up his class allowed students to work at their own pace, which allowed students to learn time management.” – Jack Williams, 12
“It has been a pleasure to work with Mr. Scherer for the past 6 years. He is very knowledgeable and tries to make learning fun and hands-on for his students. He is very dedicated and is one of the first teachers to arrive to school each morning. He is also a team player and always willing to help a colleague out if he can. I will really miss him.” – Mrs. Carolyn Manheim, Business & Marketing teacher
“I could always count on Mr. Scherer for a positive attitude and a quick quip.“- Mr. Steve Hayward, CTE teacher
“When I learned I had to support three students from the SOL Autism Program in Basic Technical Drawing a few years ago, I felt a little queasy. I definitely was not prepared to help students with this particular subject (AutoCad what?). My feelings changed quickly. Have you ever seen one of Mr. Scherer’s classes in action? It’s learning through doing, which is exactly how Mr. Scherer wants it. He facilitates, does a brief lesson, and then lets his students loose. He’s available for their questions and helps them over hurdles and around road blocks. The SOL Autism Program students thrived in this setting. Mr. Scherer not only taught them about AutoCad but also about confidence- trusting yourself enough to be your own teacher for part of the journey. Now that’s a skill students can take with them! Mr. Scherer, I enjoyed working with you tremendously. I love your insights into education and life. I will miss that. However, I am happy for you and hope that you have a wonderful ride ahead!” –Ms. Beth Beckman, Autism Catchment Program