Manheims in Murano
Spring Break Travels
With Spring Break 2016 having come to an end, teachers and students alike traveled to interesting and exciting places and came home to tell the tales of the new memories they made and experiences they enjoyed. While some people stayed close to Midlothian, others traveled as far away as they could. Mrs. Carolyn Manheim, a marketing teacher at Midlo, hopped on a plane with her family and traveled east across the Atlantic to the alluring country of Italy. While she there she had an unbelievable experience, spending some much needed time with her parents and her daughter.
Mrs. Manheim has been to Venice once before, but she still seemed to find new landmarks and interesting places during her most recent visit. Murano is a small island off the coast of Venice, where the Manheim family traveled during their stay in Italy. “Being a person who loves shopping, when I go to Italy I further my collection of small, glass figurines that are made in Murano,” says Mrs. Manheim. “They make all kinds of different objects that range from plates and glasses to small animal figurines and beautiful jewelry and pendants.” Even though Mrs. Manheim has only been to Italy twice, her parents have visited more often, and have always returned with souvenirs from their trips, which began Mrs. Manheim’s collection of the small, glass figurines, all hand blown and made in Murano. Mrs. Manheim’s collection includes: little fruits and vegetables, as well as tiny candies that look good enough to eat.
“Italy is such a beautiful place, surrounded completely by water,” says Mrs. Manheim, “we had to take a boat to get around the country.” The Manheims had the pleasure of traveling throughout Venice and saw amazing sites and scenes. Mrs. Manheim spent a week in pure bliss, adventuring, and of course, shopping her way through Italy with her wonderful family. “We had such a great time and hope to make it back some time soon,” says Mrs. Manheim.