Mrs. Elizabeth Cequeria Joins Midlo Library Team
Midlothian High Gains a New Library Assistant, Mrs. Elizabeth Cequeria
Photo by: Carrie Rowley
The Midlothian library staff welcomes Mrs. Elizabeth Cequeria (center) to the team.
On Monday, April 8, 2019, Mrs. Elizabeth Cequeria joined the Midlo Library team as Library Assistant. Coming from New York, Mrs. Cequeria graduated from Niagara University and moved to Virginia to work at Chalkley Elementary School before transferring to Midlo after Spring Break. While at Chalkley, Mrs. Cequeria worked full time as a Technology Resources Assistant to provide help with Chromebooks and manage educational software for students and faculty.
She explains why she felt it was her time to switch jobs and make the move to Midlo: “I wanted to get into library services because I enjoy working with children, and I have two daughters, so I felt an older group of kids would be best to work with literacy and reading.” Being a Library Assistant is not only shelving and recommending books; the job requires prior knowledge in using technology, how to check in and out books, and labeling and organizing the massive collection of different genres for the library. “I think the library here is great; coming from elementary school, it’s much different trying to get kids to read at the level they need to be at, and kids know what they like and what they want to read. It’s a beautiful space and definitely the hub of the school.”
Being surrounded by books all day hasn’t deterred her love for the hobby. “I have reread the Harry Potter series every summer,” states Mrs. Cequeria. Of her transition, she shared, “Everyone was friendly and patient with me and has welcomed me as I learn new things.”