Stay Informed! Mark Your Calendars
2018-2019 Important Dates
Photo by: Your Best Digs
Mark these important dates on your calendar for the 2018-2019 school year!
Sept. 4: First Day for Students
Sept. 7: Blue and Gold Pep Rally
Sept. 10: Faculty Meeting – 7:30 am
Sept. 13: Senior Make-up Pictures
Sept. 13 & 14: Underclassman Pictures
Sept. 17: Back to School Night
Sept. 20: Senior Convocation (1st period & M/M 4)
Sept. 21: Homeroom
Oct. 1-5: Spirit Week
Oct. 5: Homeroom
Oct. 5: Homecoming Pep Rally
Oct. 5: Homecoming Parade & Football Game
Oct. 6: Homecoming Dance
Oct. 10: PSAT/ASVAB Testing (modified schedule)
Oct. 12: 3-hour Early Release
Oct. 16: PSAT/NMSQT/ASVAB Testing
Oct. 19: Homeroom
Oct. 23: IB Open House
Nov. 2: End of 1st 9-Weeks
Nov. 5: Student Holiday & Teacher Work day
Nov. 6: Student Holiday & Parent/Teacher Conferences
Nov. 16: Homeroom
Nov. 21 – 23: Holiday
Nov. 30: Homeroom
Dec. 7: Homeroom
Dec. 14 – 19: Semester 1 Exams
Dec. 20 – Jan. 1: Holiday – No School
Jan. 3: Alumni Day
Jan. 21: Holiday – No School
Jan. 25: 3-hour Early Release, End of 2nd 9-Weeks, & End of 1st Semester
Feb. 15: 3-Hour Early Release
Feb. 18: Holiday – No School
Feb. 19: EVEN day
Mar. 8: Holiday – No School
Mar. 29: 3-hour Early Release & End of 3rd 9-weeks
Apr. 1 – 5: Spring Break
Apr. 13 – 14: CCPS Fine Arts Festival (hosted at Midlo)
Apr. 19: Holiday – No School
Apr. 27: Prom and Post Prom
May 24: School Picnic & Music Assemblies
May 27: Holiday – No School
TBA: Baccalaureate
TBA: Graduation
June 14: End of 4th 9-Weeks & End of 2nd Semester