Spectacular September Students
2017 September Students of the Month: Truitt Eliot and Melanie Raff
The male student of the month stands out due to his dedication and commitment shown throughout the summer, preparing for our new Trojan Nations freshman transition program. Also, he has given a tremendous amount of his time this August to prepare for the musical number that greeted our teachers back from break and kicked off this school year on a positive note. This kind, dedicated, and respectful young man never turns down an opportunity to lend a helping hand, whenever and wherever he is needed, and he does so with a bright smile on his face. Our fantastic September male student of the month is Truitt Eliot.
The female student of the month impresses peers and teachers with her dependable nature. She is a committed student, and when she says she will do something, she will never let you down. This young lady always represents the hardworking, caring, compassionate, and conscientious characteristics that every student aspires to represent. The female student of the month is a quiet young lady, yet her dedication to Midlothian High School speaks volumes. Our incredible September female student of the month is Melanie Raff.
A big congratulations to Truitt Eliott and Melanie Raff for their consistent effort to make Midlothian High School a brighter place for teachers and students alike.