Midlo decorates for Christmas early
2020 Holiday Season
Photo by: Kyle Reeder
Midlo families set up their Christmas decor early.
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, many families are looking forward to celebrating the season of pumpkin pie, Black Friday shopping, and spending time with small groups of loved ones. In spite of this, some Midlo families decided to accelerate Thanksgiving and begin decorating for Christmas. Scurrying to string up the lights, decorate the tree, and cozy up next to the fire, families eagerly await the Christmas season. Junior Skylar West explains that her family started decorating right after Halloween, exclaiming, “I never think it’s too early to decorate for Christmas! I love Christmas personally, and I would keep decorations up all year long.”
However, some believe that Thanksgiving deserves to be celebrated prior to decorating for Christmas festivities. “My family has not started decorating for the holidays yet. My neighbors across the street have already put up their Christmas tree, but I do think it’s too soon to start decorating. I believe you should start decorating on or after Black Friday,” explains senior Rachel Anderson. Following in the same footsteps, Jordan Clark remarks, “My family has not yet decorated for Christmas, which I’m happy about, but I have seen people decorating. It is definitely far too early to decorate; you have to wait until after Black Friday.” On the other hand, students are glad to indulge in the Christmas spirit. Junior John Sheldon shares that his family hasn’t set up their decorations, but he has noticed others setting up theirs, adding, “No it’s not too early! To me, when it gets cold out, that’s when you can start decorating!”
Most Midlo families, including sophomore Danielle Geng’s, have decided to wait until Thanksgiving to decorate because “it’s just become sort of a tradition,” shares Geng. She continues, “I love Christmas and the whole holiday season, so the sooner the better, so I think there’s nothing wrong with it.” Sophomore Addison Kawakami has the same opinion, and describes, “Although I wouldn’t put up any decorations quite this early, I see no problem with other people doing it.” Several students have also explained that the Christmas decorations bring joy to those who are having a hard time getting through the current conditions of 2020. “Especially with everything going on, it puts people in the holiday spirit and gives people something to look forward to,” explains Kawakami. This year has been a rollercoaster of emotions for many people, and the small act of setting up Christmas decoration has helped people to find a positive outlet. “I have seen a ton of people decorating early, I think it’s because of COVID. People are inside, bored, and ready for the holidays,” adds West. In other words, “People just want 2020 to be over,” jokes sophomore Reese Abplanalp.

Kyle Reeder, Class of 2023
Kyle Reeder has been on staff for four years and is the Multi-Media Editor. Outside of school, he runs cross country and...