English Students Enhance the Community
NEHS Inductions, 2018
High achieving students who have worked diligently in their English classes were inducted into the National English Honors Society (NEHS) on January 4, 2019, in the Midlothian library during Midlo Morning. NEHS members, new and old, attended the celebration.
The ceremony began with Mr. Daniel Cheatham informing the new members of the necessary qualifications required to achieve this honor. After his introductory speech, Mr. Cheatham then called the new members to step up to the podium, as Mrs. Brooke Hoke handed them their certificates and congratulated them on their honors.
Midlo’s NEHS chapter inducted 63 new members, who show their interest and skills in English, through participation in organizations that enhance English appreciation, such as: involvement in Midlo’s publications, Theater, Service Learning, or serving as a Success mentor, while also achieving at least a B in English class. After the new members shook hands with NEHS leaders and accepted their awards, Mr. Cheatham adjourned the meeting by exclaiming, “Let them eat cake!” and both new and old members enjoyed cake and beverages.
Congratulations, National English Honors Society Inductees
Besmah S. Al-Ashari
Haifa S. Al-Ashari
Abigail C. Allums
Lara O. Ballout
Sydney G. Barefoot
Kaylee F. Botset
Kristen E. Botset
Hannah D. Bridges
Hannah D. Brown
Katherine C. Busick
Julia R. Busick
Taylor L. Busick
Sydney F. Costantino
Julia N. Cunningham
Rachel A. Damico
Rachel E. Deel
James G. Gardner
Angela S. Giji
Navilia Gottipati
Nour Goulmamine
Rylee S. Gregory
Cara E. Hahn
Anna L. Hayes
Mary Courtney Hettinger
Margaret E. Hopper
Olivia M. Ibanez
Evealee K. Ingram
Amanda S. Jennings
Erin E. Junkmann
Fariza Kareem
Zoe G. Kopidis
Alexis R. Labott
Kendall L. Lewis
Lauren E. Lingle
Kaitlyn L. Lucero
Abbey Y. Lynch
Akhila L. Mandalika
Ashley R. Manheim
Lauren S. Misson
Sarah R. Moskovitz
Khanh Nhu L. Nguyen
Braden M. Nostheide
Bari B. Novey
Anushka S. Pandya
Ashley J. Peterson
Juliana M. Peterson
Elizabeth A. Potts
Resshma Rajendran
Emma N. Rice
Gabriella M. Rizzo
Carrie A. Rowley
Christopher S. Sawyer
Annabel G. Schepker
Kaitlyn R. Siegel
Elizabeth M. Six
Nataly M. Solares Sarceño
Helen D. Trout
Summer M. VanNostrand
Devyn G. Vernier
Katherine E. White
Preston J. Willett
Spencer R. Willett
Megan M. Wunderlich