It’s Allergy Season!

Advice for Relief

Are Allergies keeping you from concentrating on your work? Sneezing, sniffling, and itching are difficult, especially with exams coming up. Here are some ways to help battle a tough pollen season.

  • Check your local drugstore or your family physician for allergy relief remedy that works for you.
  • Try to stay inside as often as possible. The more you are subjected to pollen, the more likely the symptoms will kick in.
  • Running your air conditioner at home will help control the pollen in your home.
  • If you need to go outside, try wearing a mask or a scarf to cover your nose and mouth.
  • When you step outside, pollen stays on your clothes and shoes, so when you get home, try to change into some new clothes.
  • If you want to skip the allergy medicine, try an at-home nasal rinse.
  • A diet change is a possible way to reduce the symptoms. Eat anti-inflammatory foods.

Although this season takes a toll on our bodies. These symptoms are treatable and won’t stop you from having a great time in the warm weather.

For more information about how to control your symptoms, visit