2016-2017 Athletic Passes

2016-2017 All Sports Athletic Passes
Pre-sale Price!
In a continuing effort to help reduce costs for our students, parents and fans, Midlothian High School is offering a money saving opportunity on the 2016-2017 All Sports Athletic Passes.
This pass will get you into all regular season Midlothian High School Athletic Events. This is a potential $650 value throughout the year. Each Pass is good for one admission per home regular season event. Passes may not be shared at the same event.
Order your pass between May 2 and June 10th and pay only $90.00 per pass. This is a $40.00 savings over the regular price.
After June 10th the price of the pass will go up $130.00* for adults and $105.00 for students. Students will be eligible to purchase 1 Athletic Pass at this price. All additional passes will be sold for 130.00.
Your passes will be available for you to pick up at the end of August.
Please complete the order form below and return to Coach Cooper at Midlothian High School to order your 2016-2017 All Sports Athletic Passes. All orders must be accompanied with a check made payable to Midlothian High School. Athletic passes may not be reserved without money.
*Pass may be purchased for $105.00 with a 2016-2017 Athletic Booster Club Membership. Proof of Membership Required.
Name : _______________________________________________________________________
Number of Passes:____________ X 90.00 = _______________
All order forms must be accompanied by Cash or Check.
Checks Made Payable to Midlothian High School and given to Coach Cooper.
For printable version, click here.