Deutsche Ehrengesellschaft
National German Honor Society Induction
On Thursday, May 8, 2017, the German National Honor Society welcomed fresh new inductees in the library after school. A total of 23 students with a 4.0 GPA in German class and a 3.5 GPA overall were inducted into this prestigious society.
The induction started with Frau Böer and Herr Tibbett welcoming students, parents, and faculty, and a short congratulatory speech to all the new inductees. The society officers then spoke of the requirements for induction into the society. All of the inductees stood and followed the pledge led by Frau Böer, as previous members lit every candle, welcoming the new members. German Honor Society President, Dillon Powell, handed out certificates and congratulated the inductees as they blew out their candles. Senior members then received their hard-earned graduation honor cords, which signify their dedication, contributions, and hours of hard work put into the study of German. After the ceremony, inductees and their guests enjoyed cake and refreshments.
Congratulations to the new German Honor Society Inductees:
Ethan Bell
Vivien Berft
Charles Bond
Casey Branin
Lauren Burns
Anna Chen
Courtney Galligher
Zoe Hammond
Hayden Hicks
Grace Holder
Tristan Hutchens
Dareen Kang
Elizabeth Lasch
Elijah Laver
Maytè Losada
Sophia Mead
Sterling Mason
Nick Prybyla
Ryan Sabisch
Tyler Schrimpsher
Caroline Spichiger
Matthew Tuch
Bethany Willis
Congratulations to Seniors:
Vivien Berft
Lauren Burns
Olivia Coleman
Matthew Dempsey
Gabe Fenyes
Molly Fletcher
Phoebe Jackson
Celeste Johnson
John Maiorana
Dillon Powell
Ryan Sabisch
Ellen Tucker
Michael Velle
Caitlyn Walker