Motion of the Ocean
Oceanography Classes Present Vacation Destinations
On April 5, 2017, ,during the first 15 minutes of first through third period classes, Mr. Donald Wade’s oceanography classes offered presentations in the library and invited other classes to come and view the projects. Their goal of the project was to find a tropical paradise people would want to visit for a week. Mr. Wade instructed them to present themselves as the visitor and tell everyone facts, such as what they might see in the water or what the resort would offer to ensure a pleasant stay. Mr. Wade explains, “The project was a way for them to bring oceanography to real life. It is a trip anywhere for seven days, where they could go and experience the ocean. They have been researching locations with opportunities to explore marine environments, aquariums and ecological adventures.” Luckily, he says, this project is “just in time for spring break…”.
Owen Beleza worked alone on his project, which highlights Atlanta, Georgia. “It was very interesting to learn about different ocean life,” he said excitedly. Mr. Wade had asked him to stay for all 3 classes to present his project. Students in attendance gathered around each project, happily absorbing the vacation details. The Bahamas, Norway, Australia, Bora Bora, Hawaii, etc. were some exciting locations to explore. Overall, the projects gave great insight into the different oceanic destinations and what it takes to visit them. Mr. Wades students learned many interesting new facts on a subject they find intriguing by incorporating the project into daily life.