The AI (Artificial Intelligence) Club has launched its first official meeting, on Dec. 2. This club tackles the many questions that come with the rise of AI, and students from all across the school gather to discuss.
Club sponsor, Sal (Salvatore) Brusco, computer science and calculus teacher, stated the pros and cons of the new technology. “If used properly, I think it can be beneficial,” Brusco said. “For downfalls, I’d say it’s not very environmentally friendly. AI uses a lot of energy, and scholastically speaking, students can cheat a lot with it.” The conversation to be had about environmental effects are one of the major questions many of the students have regarding the impacts of AI.
Negatives aside, AI has some positive aspects. Club President, Ananya Premkumar, 11, remarked on why she started the club. “I saw how people were fearful of AI, so I thought it would be good to clear up any misinformation, and to inform people about it,” Premkumar said. “It kind of gives us a good baseline to get ideas off of, it’s really good for coming up with unique and broad perspectives.”
Both sides of the conversation are covered in the club meetings, which meet in room 338 once a month, after school. For more information, talk to Club Sponsor Sal Brusco, or club officers Ananya Premkumar and Andrew Nguyen, 11.