Deutsch Club’s Kleine Oktoberfest
German Club Fun
On Wednesday, October 19th, students piled into Frau Böer’s room ready for a fun-filled Oktoberfest-themed club meeting. As students arrived, the fresh scent of pretzels and sweet root beer greeted everyone at the entrance. Finally, the long awaited Oktoberfest meeting had begun!
Michael Velle, President of German Club, started the meeting with a root beer tasting. Students gathered around the desks and opened four different brands and styles of root beer, sampling each flavor. After treats, the class divided in two, and students either made hanging lanterns or participated in a game of water pong.
Frau Böer led a lantern-making lesson for all who participated. Students cut out all different shapes and designs and glued tissue paper to give the lanterns more pizzazz. After the finishing touches, Frau Böer handed out flameless candles and placed them inside the lanterns. She displayed the glowing lanterns on her book shelf for all to see. On the other side of the classroom, two wild teams formed and battled it out to show off their skills in water pong. Seniors Aaron Brown and Tyler Dreissigacker, plus junior Katie Call, faced off against freshmen Fozi Shamsiev and Ian Schweitzer, who occasionally switched teams. The game proved fierce, as plastic balls flew in and out of cups and all around the classrooms.
3:00 came faster than ever, signaling the end of the festivities. A short clean up followed, and the students waved goodbye to each other and to Frau Böer. Everybody went home with grins plastered on their faces, ready for the next German Club meeting on November 16. You don’t have to take German to be in the club, just ask Frau Böer to join a year of German Club fun!
Happy Oktoberfest!
Class of 2019