New Phone Policy spreads controversy through student body

New Phone Policy 2022

Photo by: James Galloway

Senior Sara Bradbury demonstrates an infraction of the new phone policy.

At the start of every school year, students are informed of new rules and regulations that they must grow accustomed to. While often criticized, students generally accept and obey the new school policies. This year, controversy surrounds the new guidelines more than usual, but none surpassing the new phone policy. 

Many students were shocked when informed about the lack of tolerance teachers give to students caught using their phones during inappropriate times. In the past, the severity of the phone policy would adjust depending on the teacher and the situation. However, students were not expecting the sudden change of attitude among all Midlo faculty when enforcing this new rule. Starting at the first infraction, any student who has their phone out during class will have it confiscated and sent to the office, where it will remain until the end of the day. The second time the phone policy is disobeyed, it is taken with a call home to a parent or guardian, with the punishment becoming increasingly serious as the incidents continue.

“I was checking my phone using Canvas for a school related reason and I got my phone taken on the second day of school.” explained Senior Syed Hasan, 12, when asked about his experience with the policy. 

Another part of this policy includes students losing the privilege to have their phones in school bathrooms. Following last year’s “devious lick” Tik Tok trend, the county, as well as Midlo is taking serious precautions to prevent school property from being damaged once more.

The school also implemented new soap dispensers which do not come off the wall. This is mainly an upgrade for student comfort, but also to prevent vandalism. With these recent changes, students will now be required to leave their phones in a bin at the front of many classrooms before using the restroom. 

“Nobody likes change” Dr. Shawn Abel said during the senior back to school assembly.