Message from Dr. Abel
Midlo Principal’s Message: April 26, 2022
Photo by: Bridget Tracy
Principal’s Message
Thank you to all our juniors and seniors for your participation in prom this past weekend. Everyone in attendance really seemed to enjoy themselves. I also want to thank all the faculty who volunteered to chaperone at prom and all the parents who worked so hard to host a fun post-prom event.
The next exciting events are senior awards and graduation, followed by class awards. See below for details regarding senior events.
Please read below for this week’s message.
Daily Announcements
Click here at any time to view our daily slideshow announcements or our weekly video announcements
Click here to view this week’s video announcements.
Yearbook Information
Time to purchase a 2022 Yearbook is running out. With fewer than 60 copies remaining, online sales will close on May 1. After that, the only way to purchase a book is at distribution while supplies last.
To order a book, please go to:
Please note that yearbooks were not sold through school fees this year, so if you think you bought a book at fee night, you didn’t.
If you have any questions, please visit
2021 Yearbooks will be distributed around mid to late May, depending on when they arrive here at Midlo.
Testing Information
SOL Testing Sessions:
Social Studies (World History 1 and 2, US/VA History, Human & Geography):
Wednesday, May 4: All Even day Social Studies classes will test
Thursday, May 5: All Odd day Social Studies classes will test
**All students will report to the AUX gym or small group location at 8:30 A.M.
Science (Biology, Earth Science, Chemistry)
Friday, May 6: All Even day Science classes will test
Monday, May 9: All Odd day Science classes will test
Morning Session- Designated 1st and 2nd block testers will report to the Aux gym at 8:30 A.M.
Afternoon Session- 3rd and 4th block testers will eat A lunch and then report to the Aux gym at 12 P.M.
****All Science students with audio or small group accommodations will begin report at 8:30 A.M.
Math (Algebra 1 and 2, Geometry)
Tuesday, May 10: All Even day Math classes will test
Wednesday, May 11: All Odd day Math classes will test
**All students will report to the AUX gym or small group location at 8:30 A.M.
IB Testing Schedule and Room Assignments
Exam Information
Exams are back for all students. Seniors will have an opportunity to be exempt from their exam following the guidelines outlined on P.22 of the student handbook. Exam Exemption and other details can be obtained by clicking here.
Not sure if you’re exempt from an exam? Click here to use our exam exemption determination tool.
Senior Info and our Senior Website
Please take a few minutes to read this senior letter, which provides a wealth of information regarding our upcoming senior events. We are so proud of our seniors and look forward to celebrating their successful completion of 13 years of school on May 23. In order to be prepared for graduation and other important senior events, it is important that students and parents read this senior letter.
As we make changes and updates to our senior plans, we will communicate all information on our Senior Information Website. Click here or visit to access our Senior Information Website.
Message to Seniors from the Library
All library books are due this Friday, 4/29/22.
All library books must be returned and library fines paid before picking up graduation tickets. Fine forgiveness is available through May 6. Visit the library to create a Haiku or Blackout Poem to have your overdue fines wiped away! Students can CLICK HERE to create and submit a digital version. Speak with a librarian with any questions.
Attention Seniors
Scholarship Opportunities
Please click here (and check back frequently for updates) for updated scholarship information
Summer School Information
Whether you need to repeat a class or you’re trying to jump ahead – click here to view the CCPS Summer School Information website. If your student is in danger of not passing a class, please sign them up for summer school ASAP. Such courses are available in-person, free of charge, are only four weeks in length, for four days per week, for approximately four hours per day. Transportation, breakfast and lunch will be provided.
The deadline to sign up for summer/school year CCPS online courses is Friday, April 29.
Spring Musical – Sweeney Todd
Join the cast and crew of Midlothian’s Theater Department as they perform the musical Sweeney Todd on:
May 5: 7 P.M.
May 6: 7 P.M.
May 7: 2 P.M. and 7 P.M.
Tickets ($10.00) can be purchased at the door or online (
Please consider donating to and attending a fundraiser to benefit Ethiopian Children. The “For Ethiopian Children Fundraiser Event” at Midlothian High School will take place on May 7 from 2 – 6 P.M.
Please support this event by:
- Donating auctionable items and books for the fundraiser. 100% of profits earned from the auction and book sale will go towards the fundraiser. Donations can be made in the main office through May 1, 2022
- Attending the fundraiser event on May 7. There will be activities for all ages, music, dances, an auction, food by Chick-Fil-A and more!
See the attached flyers for more information. Questions? Call 804-441-8291 or email [email protected].
Behind the Wheel Sign Up Dates Rescheduled
Behind the Wheel Summer sign ups for this week are being rescheduled. The new dates and times are as follows:
April 26, 27 and 28. From 3 P.M. – 3:45 ish. Closed commons.
Congratulations to the Midlothian HS FBLA chapter as they were just named a Champion Chapter – the highest award a high school can earn.
Registration is open for summer test prep
Summer registration is open for targeted sessions that help students prepare for SOL tests, the SAT and the W!SE test.
VSU Freedom School Summer Program
Virginia State University’s Political Science/Public Administration department is hosting an opportunity for students in grades 9-12 to learn how to be scholastic leaders in the community. This initiative, called Freedom School by the Children’s Defense Fund historically and continues to be a part of the Black Community Crusade for Children. Freedom School scholars engage in a research-based, multicultural Integrated Reading Curriculum that supports them and their families through essential components:
- High-quality academic enrichment
- Parent and family development
- Civic engagement and social action
- Intergenerational servant leadership development
- Nutrition, health, and mental health
Freedom Schools information:
Virginia State University will accept 30 students into the summer program. The deadline to apply is June 3, 2022. Freedom School is offered at no cost. Students will receive two nutritious meals and a snack daily, as well as a book each week to build their home libraries.
The school is held at Virginia State University:
8:30 A.M. TO 1:30 P.M.
Please see the attached flyer (here) and have any interested students and parents scan the QR code to register. Pass this onto anyone who you feel may benefit from this program.
One week left to register for CCPSOnline
Don’t wait any longer! April 29 is the deadline to register for CCPSOnline classes for this summer and for the 2022-23 school year. Details at (Note: Registration for summer school opportunities not connected to CCPSOnline is open through June 1.)
From the Career Center:
CCPS Job Fair – scheduled for Wednesday, April 27 from 3:30 – 6:30 P.M. for ALL students – at CTC@Hull (Fulghum Conference Center, 13900 Hull Street Rd, Midlothian). Employers ready to hire will interview on site. Students register HERE to attend.
Richard Bland College Spring Admissions Fair – Saturday, April 23,2022 10 – 12 P.M. Take a tour, meet with Financial Aid, and receive an Admissions decision on site. Register: [email protected] or phone: (804) 862 – 6249
- Looking for SOL Prep materials before Spring testing? Check out these resources:
- SOLPASS – a CCPS tool that offers practice in SOL subjects. Students can self-enroll with this link:
- VDOE Practice – go to the DOE “Practice Items” webpage and click on the red button to launch
For Ethiopian Children Fundraiser Event Fundraiser
The For Ethiopian Children Fundraiser Event Fundraiser will be sponsored by the SCA and Speech & Debate Club. It will be hosted by Bethlehem Agegne, here at Midlothian High School – behind the school on the practice field. It is on May 7 from 2 – 6 P.M. and entry to the event is free. There will be fun-packed activities such as face painting and tug-a-war. An auction and book sale will occur. If you would like to donate books, put them in the donation drop off bin outside the attendance office at school. If you wish to donate items to auction off, please drop them in the main office.
Chick-fil-a, music, dances, and more will be at the event. This event will help raise money for the For Ethiopian Children Fundraiser. So please bring your families and friends to enjoy the special day, we hope to see you there!
For more information, please check out our flyer by clicking here or visit the website below.
Rising Seniors – Class of 2023
Virginia students are required by law to get these vaccines before entering 12th grade:
- A minimum of two doses of meningococcal conjugate (MenACWY) vaccine
The first dose should be administered before entering seventh grade. The final dose should be administered before entering 12th grade. Meningococcal vaccines help protect against the bacteria that cause meningococcal disease.
Health Department immunizations are available by appointment only for children age 18 and under. To schedule an appointment, call 804-768-7454.
Inform your school. Provide a copy of the immunization record to your high school as soon as possible.
Questions? Contact your school nurse or the Office of Student Health Services at 804-639-1321.
Attendance Reminder
We have prepared attendance notes that you can download and fill out for your student’s tardy, dismissal and absence. Click here (or visit Please refrain from solely using nicknames on student notes. Any student note should always have the student identification number and the name of the student upon enrollment. If your student has a preferred name or a nickname please put that in “…” following the enrolled name and student id. In addition some friendly reminders for parents and students are as follows.
Notes for dismissal, absence or tardy:
- Should be dropped off to the attendance office upon arrival at school, or between the first block and Midlo morning.
If someone other than a parent/guardian is picking up your child for an early dismissal:
- We need that in writing as students can be dismissed only on the request and authorization of the parent or legal guardian.
- Students shall not be released during the school day to any person not authorized by the student’s parent or legal guardian.
Students returning to school from an appointment:
- Are required to check back in with the attendance office upon arrival.
Students who become sick at school:
- Must request to see the nurse. Students should not text home to be picked up before seeing the nurse.
- The clinic will contact the parent if pick-up is needed. The school must document any student leaving school ill.
Questions or notes regarding attendance can be sent to [email protected] or call 804-378-2440 ext. 4127
Calling all Athletes (and parents who want pictures)
If you’d like to purchase pictures from your child’s athletic team this year, please follow these steps:
- Go to
- Click on “Sports Portraits”
- Click on the blue button that reads “2021-22 School Year Pictures”
- Enter the online code: MDHSM22
- Enter the specific sport code and your email address.
Please note, photos may take 4-5 weeks to post in the portal.
Student Opportunities
Virginia State University’s Unite STEAM Leaders in Training (L.I.T.)
Summer program will explore higher-order level thinking in a “no limits concept” that encourages them to explore beyond boundaries and dare them to “think outside the box.” Students will learn about critical thinking techniques for problem solving and how to explore STEAM courses and related career fields. They will also participate in hands-on STEAM enrichment activities along with leadership, character development, and self-care workshops.
Unite STEAM L.I.T. will be held in-person Mondays through Thursdays from 9 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. from June 20 through July 19 (with July 4 and 5 off for the holiday). This program is designed for rising 10th and 11th grade students. All classroom supplies and lunch will be provided. Students who successfully complete the program will receive a $400 stipend.
To register, please visit Registration ends on Friday, May 20. Spaces are limited, so don’t delay…sign up today! For questions, please contact Dr. Michael Rainey at [email protected] or 804-898-9533.
Class of 2023 –
The application for the POSSE scholarship is now open. Please talk with your rising senior about the opportunity.
April 27 job fair for all CCPS high school students
Chesterfield County Public Schools invites all high school students to an April 27 student job fair. More details to follow, but students are encouraged to register now so they are prepared.

Lilly Moidel, Class of 2024
Sophomore Lilly Moidel has been on staff for two years, and enjoys writing about sporting events, and stories that involve...