Message from Dr. Abel
Midlo Principal’s Message: April 12, 2022
Photo by: Bridget Tracy
Dr. Abel delivers weekly school-wide message every Tuesday.
I hope everyone enjoyed their spring break, and you are returning to school somewhat rested and rejuvenated for a strong finish to the 21-22 school year. At our senior meeting earlier this week I shared with our seniors that our senior class awards ceremony and graduation are only 20 and 27 school days away. The school year is really flying by.
As a reminder, this Friday (4/15) is a staff and student holiday.
Click here to see the CCPS school calendars
Daily Announcements
Click here at any time to view our daily slideshow announcements or our weekly video announcements
Click here to view this week’s video announcements.
Powderpuff Game
The Powderpuff game originally scheduled for Thursday, March 31 has been rescheduled to this Thursday, April 14 during 4th period. Tickets will be on sale this week during lunches – just $3.00 per ticket. This is a student event only – no outside visitors.
Senior updates and reminders
Senior Cap & Gown Portraits
Will take place during the day on April 26, 2022. Seniors will sign up for a time using the link below
Please take a few minutes to read this senior letter, which provides a wealth of information regarding our upcoming senior events. We are so proud of our seniors and look forward to celebrating their successful completion of 13 years of school on May 23. In order to be prepared for graduation and other important senior events, it is important that students and parents read this senior letter.
As we make changes and updates to our senior plans, we will communicate all information on our Senior Information Website. Click here or visit to access our Senior Information Website.
Prom Information
Online Prom tickets went on sale March 21 on this site. (Students should click on High Schools, scroll down to Midlothian High School, and look for Events: Senior/Junior Prom 2022.) Only Midlo students were allowed to purchase prom tickets on the 21. Beginning March 22 and with a verified approval form for outside guests, tickets for outside guests may be purchased electronically as well. Online sales will be open through April 20. Additionally, on April 18-20 there will be tables set up in the open commons during all lunches for ticket sales. (All prom tickets are $40.) You can also buy your POST PROM tickets during this time for $10.
If you purchased your tickets online, or you are a senior receiving one free ticket, you will need to stop by these tables to pick up your hardcopy prom tickets. Be sure to present proof of electronic purchase or paid dues (for seniors). Tickets will be sold online or in person after April 20. (Only Seniors receive one complimentary ticket if they have paid their dues.)
Click here to view our Prom Announcement Infographic.
Behind the Wheel Sign Up Dates Rescheduled
Behind the Wheel Summer sign-ups for this week are being rescheduled. The new dates and times are as follows:
April 26, 27 and 28. From 3 – 3:45 P.M. in the closed commons.
Congratulations FBLA winners
Please congratulate the following students. The students in first thru fourth place are eligible to attend the National Conference in Chicago this summer.
COLE CAFFALL- Introduction to Parliamentary Procedures
ELLIE HERNDON – $1,000 Crumley/Manning/Thompson Scholarship
MIDLO HS – Largest Chapter Membership Award
DECLAN FLOOD – Introduction to Business Concepts
ANDREW PERKO – Accounting II
LEAH BROOKS – Introduction to FBLA
KENNY MONROE – Introduction to Financial Math
WILLIAM HOTT – Agribusiness
DILLON McKNIGHT – Impromptu Speaking
MASON CAPTAIN – Introduction to Business Procedures
ANOSH PITHAWALLA – Insurance & Risk Management
Student Opportunities
Virginia State University’s Unite STEAM Leaders in Training (L.I.T.)
Summer program will explore higher-order level thinking in a “no limits concept” that encourages them to explore beyond boundaries and dare them to “think outside the box.” Students will learn about critical thinking techniques for problem solving and how to explore STEAM courses and related career fields. They will also participate in hands-on STEAM enrichment activities along with leadership, character development, and self-care workshops.
Unite STEAM L.I.T. will be held in-person Mondays through Thursdays from 9 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. from June 20 through July 19 (with July 4 and 5 off for the holiday). This program is designed for rising 10 and 11 grade students. All classroom supplies and lunch will be provided. Students who successfully complete the program will receive a $400 stipend.
To register, please visit Registration ends on Friday, May 20. Spaces are limited, so don’t delay…sign up today! For questions, please contact Dr. Michael Rainey at [email protected] or 804-898-9533.
Class of 2023: The application for the POSSE scholarship is now open. Please talk with your rising senior about the opportunity.
PTSO Update – including Post-Prom info
The next PTSO meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 13 at 7 P.M. in the school library. All PTSO members are welcome to attend.
Post Prom is coming- Saturday, April 23! Tickets will go on sale April 18 – 20 during the lunch periods. The cost is $10.00 per ticket. The PTSO organizes Post Prom, which takes place at Midlothian High School, following the dance on April 23 from 11 P.M. to 2 A.M. All juniors and seniors are invited to attend Post Prom even if they don’t attend the Prom dance. The Post Prom Committee has been hard at work planning this SAFE and fun event with exciting entertainment, games, food and fabulous prizes.
The Post Prom Party is a fun and safe way to continue the prom night celebration for our JUNIORS and SENIORS. After all they have been through, these kids deserve this lasting night of fun!!!!
Please view our Sign Up Genius to see the many ways you can help!
All grade-level parents are invited to volunteer! This event is a great way for the parents of FRESHMAN and SOPHOMORES to meet other parents, get involved with the PTSO, and get a glimpse of what the future holds for their students!
We hope to see you there!
IB Spirit Nights at Chicken Fiesta!
You have two choices (or pick both like me) to support Midlo programs while enjoying some delicious food from Chicken Fiesta – at the location across from Midlo Middle School.
Your first opportunity is on Tuesday, April 19, from 4 – 7 P.M.
Drive-thru, order in-store or make it take out and mention Midlo IB! Chicken Fiesta serves delicious, made from scratch TexMex specialties – just tell them you are there to support Midlo IB.
And the following night, on Wednesday, April 20, from 5 – 8 P.M., the Midlo Band is hosting a Spirit Night at Chicken Fiesta. Just tell them you are there to support the mighty, mighty, Midlo Band.
Midlothian Athletic Booster’s Association – Spirit Night At Chipotle!
Come to the Chipotle across from Chesterfield Towne Center on April 20 – 5 – 9 P.M. Simply mention this is for Midlothian Athletic Boosters Association for dine-in credit. For takeout use this code, V2XYGPM, for credit for MABA. Flyer Link here.
Energy Drinks Warning
Click here to view an infographic that outlines the dangers and pitfalls of consuming energy drinks.
April 29 is the Deadline for CCPSOnline
April 29 is the deadline to register for CCPSOnline classes for this summer and for the 2022-23 school year. Wondering if this high school program is right for you? Here’s what one student says: “CCPSOnline helps me reach my academic goals by having wonderful teachers showing and helping me how to use the information I am taught. CCPSOnline … shows me how to responsibly use my time and gets me ready for future experiences.” Details at (Note: Registration is open through June 1 for summer school opportunities that are not connected to CCPSOnline.)
From the Career Center:
CCPS Job Fair – scheduled for Wednesday, April 27 from 3:30 – 6:30 P.M. for ALL students. Employers ready to hire will interview on site. Register HERE to attend.
JTCC Foundation Scholarships – last call for the scholarship application (deadline April 15, 2022). Prospective students are eligible for over 100 scholarships with one application package. Application information HERE.

Lilly Moidel, Class of 2024
Sophomore Lilly Moidel has been on staff for two years, and enjoys writing about sporting events, and stories that involve...