Message from Dr. Abel
Midlo Principal’s Message: March 28, 2022
Photo by: Bridget Tracy
Dr. Abel delivers weekly school-wide message every Tuesday.
So far, we’ve enjoyed a fun spirit week. I look forward to more engagement for the rest of the week, concluding with our Powder Puff game on Thursday (weather permitting) and then our SCA Picnic, followed by our Spring Sports Pep Rally on Friday.
As a reminder, school will be closed to students and staff next week, April 4 – April 8 (Spring Break). We will, however, have our offices open to the public on Tuesday, April 5 and Wednesday, April 6, from 8 P.M. – 3 P.M., if you need any assistance.
I hope our students and faculty are able to get some well deserved rest over spring break. If you have fallen behind academically for any reason, take advantage of this week without classes to do your best to get caught up so you can finish the 21-22 school year strong.
* Don’t forget that April 1st is an even day of school.
Daily Announcements
Click here at any time to view our daily slideshow announcements or our weekly video announcements
Click here to view this week’s video announcements
Fun Events Ahead
The following events are also scheduled during our Spirit Week
- Spirit Week – March 28 – April 1
- PowderPuff football game (sponsored by the junior class) – Thursday, March 31 (2 P.M.). This is a student event only – no outside visitors
- SCA Picnic – Friday, April 1
- Spring Sports Pep Rally – April 1
Current Fundraiser
Don’t forget – classes are bringing in canned food items this week to earn points for this week’s pep rally. Just drop in your canned food item in your class bin outside of the school counseling office.
Parents – give your students a nudge, our bins are looking a little bare so far. Let’s help stock our Midlo Food Pantries.
Senior Dues
We recognize that many seniors were uncertain if we would host various events and celebrations for our seniors this year, and that may have contributed to some senior students not paying their senior dues. Please know that senior students must have paid their senior dues to receive their one free prom ticket (valued at $40.00) and to attend the senior picnic on May 13 (following our senior awards ceremony).
If you’re unsure if you have paid your senior dues, please check this list. Press control-F to search for your ID number. If your ID number appears, you have paid your dues. If your ID number does not appear, you have not paid your senior dues. If you believe you have paid your dues and have an electronic or hard copy receipt, please bring it to the front office.
So…. How can you still pay your senior dues?
Option 1 – you can pay online. Dues can be paid online at Follow the onscreen directions.
Option 2 – You can also pay in person next week on Wednesday, March 30 during MM0 in the closed commons. If you are paying in person, please bring exact change or a check made out to Midlothian High School.
As always, please speak with your school counselor if you are experiencing any financial challenges that might prevent you from paying your senior dues.
One more senior announcement
Please take a few minutes to read this senior letter, which provides a wealth of information regarding our upcoming senior events. We are so proud of our seniors and look forward to celebrating their successful completion of 13 years of school on May 23. In order to be prepared for graduation and other important senior events, it is important that students and parents read this senior letter.
As we make changes and updates to our senior plans, we will communicate all information on our Senior Information Website. Click here or visit to access our Senior Information Website.
Last senior announcement 🙂
There will be a mandatory assembly for all seniors on Monday, April 11 during MM. Administration, school counseling, and your senior class sponsors will provide you with a wealth of information to help you prepare for all the upcoming senior events.
We hope to share a letter outlining all the important events in the near future.
Please visit ASAP to order your Cap & Gown if you have not already done so.
Prom Information
Online Prom tickets went on sale March 21st on this site. (Students should click on High Schools, scroll down to Midlothian High School, and look for Events: Senior/Junior Prom 2022.) Only Midlo students were allowed to purchase prom tickets on the 21. Beginning March 22 (today) and with a verified approval form for outside guests, tickets for outside guests may be purchased electronically as well. Online sales will be open through April 20. Additionally, on April 18-20 there will be tables set up in the open commons during all lunches for ticket sales. (All prom tickets are $40.) You can also buy your POST PROM tickets during this time for $10.
If you purchased your tickets online, or you are a senior receiving one free ticket, you will need to stop by these tables to pick up your hardcopy prom tickets. Be sure to present proof of electronic purchase or paid dues (for seniors). Tickets will be sold online or in person after April 20. (Only Seniors receive one complimentary ticket if they have paid their dues.)
Click here to view our Prom Announcement Infographic.
Need a Prom Dress?
Check out the opportunity below.
As always, please contact your school counselor if you are experiencing any financial challenges and need support. We will do our best to assist students in need any way we can.
Early Dismissals this week
As shared, our Powder Puff game and Spring Sports Pep Rally are scheduled for later this week. I know the students are ready for another awesome pep rally, as only Midlo can do it. Please do not write early dismissal notes for students on activity days, unless absolutely necessary, as we can provide a safe and secure location for all students, whether they participate in the events or not.
If you must write an early dismissal note, please remember that all early dismissal notes on activity days must be submitted by your student in the morning, no later than 10 A.M. We are not able to dismiss students after 1:45 P.M. as our pep rally will have begun. Also, we cannot honor telephone and email dismissals on activity days. For your convenience, please feel free to utilize one of our forms for dismissal, absence or tardy. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support.
Midlo’s Satellite Parking Lot (aka Kingsway Church)
Our neighbor and community partner at Kingsway Church have graciously allowed our Midlo parents and students to use their parking lot for student pick up and student parking. In an effort to show our appreciation, please be certain to follow the procedures below. Not adhering to these procedures will result in a loss of parking privileges at the Kingsway Church parking lot.
- Always use the crosswalk. Make sure that oncoming cars have stopped on Charter Colony Parkway before you cross the street and wait for the signal from the police officer to direct you to cross (in the afternoon only)
- Follow the directions provided for parking and student pick up. If cones are observed, do not crossover those cones – go around them to enter and exit the parking lot.
- Do not drive unnecessarily fast – you should not exceed 15mph in a parking lot. Pay attention to other vehicles and bystanders.
- Leave the parking lot immediately – do not loiter.
- Keep the parking lot clean – do not litter under any circumstances
Once again, Kingsway Church has opened their parking lot for our use – they did not have to do this. Let’s show our gratitude by following these very simple procedures.
Support Mido’s Special Education – purchase our student designed shirts
The newly redesigned Midlo Gear is here! Order your Tshirt or Hoodie using our Convenient order form! Thank you for your support!
Support Midlo Baseball
PTSO Update – including Post-Prom info
The next PTSO meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 13th at 7 P.M. in the school library. All PTSO members are welcome to attend!
Post Prom is coming- Saturday, April 23! Tickets will go on sale April 18 – 20 during the lunch periods. The cost is $10.00 per ticket.
The PTSO organizes Post Prom, which takes place at Midlothian High School, following the dance on April 23rd from 11 P.M. to 2 A.M. All juniors and seniors are invited to attend Post Prom even if they don’t attend the Prom dance. The Post Prom Committee has been hard at work planning this SAFE and fun event with exciting entertainment, games, food and fabulous prizes.
You can help support the event in the following ways:
We still have a few specific items on our Sign Up Genius –
Or making cash donations at
We will need many volunteers to help with the event also. Please look for a future email later in March to sign up as an on site volunteer.
Thank you for your support!
Athletics news:
As we begin Spring Sports this season, we are excited to be on a full VHSL schedule. In accordance, we have also continued to allow fans to buy tickets online to reduce any exchange of cash. Chesterfield County has partnered with GoFan and we are excited about the record time it takes to buy tickets- less than 1 minute! Please help us support a cashless system and buy your tickets online at using the link. VHSL, Senior Citizens, Midlo All Sports and Midlo Season Passes will be accepted during ALL REGULAR Season HOME games.
The next Athletic Signing Day for NCAA Commitment (DI-DIII) will be April 13, 2022 during Midlo Morning. Athletes who plan to play their sport at the collegiate level and wish to participate in our Athletic Signing Day can pick up forms from the Bulletin Board of Room 212.
Want to order a Midlo HS Varsity Letterman Jacket? Please visit under Letter Jackets to place your order if interested!
Please congratulate Aaron Liu for being selected to represent Midlothian High School in the 2022 All-Virginia Concert Band. He will attend the event at CNU on April 21 and 22.
Learning With You connects with multicultural community
Learning With You is designed to help members of the multicultural community connect with Chesterfield County Public Schools. This free, four-part program is part of CCPS on the Go! Participants will get an overview of the school division, then take a deeper dive into topics like budgeting, instruction, operations and long-range planning. This is an opportunity to develop an understanding of all the components of one of the largest school divisions in the nation. Each Learning With You gathering will take place 6-8:30 P.M. at the School Board Administration Building, located at 9900 Krause Road:
- April 27: overview of school division, strategic plan and School Board
- May 4: operations
- May 11: school leadership and student support services
- May 18: opportunities for students
Chesterfield County Public Schools is seeking multicultural leaders who are connected to their communities to participate in Learning With You, share what they learn about Chesterfield County Public Schools and recommend participants for future opportunities. Click here to register for this opportunity.
Coffee + Conversation
Parents and caregivers are invited for weekly Coffee + Conversation, free virtual sessions held from 1-2 P.M. offering helpful information. Register for the sessions that most interest you: Coffee + Conversation is hosted by the school system’s Family and Community Engagement Office and Chesterfield County Prevention Services.
April 27 job fair for all CCPS high school students
Chesterfield County Public Schools invites all high school students to an April 27 student job fair. More details to follow, but students are encouraged to register now so they are prepared.

Lilly Moidel, Class of 2024
Sophomore Lilly Moidel has been on staff for two years, and enjoys writing about sporting events, and stories that involve...