Message from Dr. Abel
Midlo Principal’s Message: March 15, 2022
Photo by: Bridget Tracy
Dr. Abel delivers weekly school-wide message every Tuesday.
This is it – the last days of the 3rd nine-week marking period, and then the real fun begins. Sure, the last marking period might include some state, national, and even international assessments, but we also look forward to many fun and culminating events. This week’s message is full of information related to end of year activities and important dates, so please take a few minutes to check it out.
Don’t forget that April 1st is an even day of school.
Daily Announcements
Click here at any time to view our daily slideshow announcements or our weekly video announcements.
Click here to view this week’s video announcements.
Prom Information
Click here to view our Prom Announcement Infographic.
Class of 2023
There will be an assembly for all juniors Friday, March 25 during MM. At this time all juniors are expected to report to the auditorium for some very important information.
Class of 2022
There will be a mandatory assembly for all seniors on Monday, Friday, April 13, during MM. Administration, school counseling, and your senior class sponsors will provide you with a wealth of information to help you prepare for all the upcoming senior events.
Fun Events Ahead
Midlo faculty and students look forward to celebrating a fun spirit week starting on March 28. Details of each spirit day will be shared soon.
The following events are also scheduled during our Spirit Week
Spirit Week – March 28 to April 1
PowderPuff football game (sponsored by the junior class) – Thursday, March 31 (2 P.M.). This is a student event only – no outside visitors.
SCA Picnic – Friday, April 1
Spring Sports Pep Rally – April 1
Exam Information
Exams are back for all students. Seniors will have an opportunity to be exempt from their exam following the guidelines outlined on P.22 of the student handbook. Exam Exemption and other details can be obtained by clicking here.
Attention Seniors
We hope to share a letter outlining all the important events in the near future. In the meantime, one of our first big events on the horizon is the Senior Cap & Gown Delivery / Pickup. Seniors who ordered their Cap & Gown may pick them up during lunch on March 24 and March 25.
Please visit ASAP to order your Cap & Gown if you have not already done so.
Testing Alert
This is a reminder that all Sophomore students will complete the English 10 Writing SOL assessment next week. This test is completed over four days (two down, two to go). All students will begin the test at 8:35 A.M. in the auxiliary gym (or assigned classroom) on the day the student is scheduled for their 10th grade English class.
National Honor Society Eligibility for Class of 2023
Attention Juniors! If a Junior has a cumulative GPA of 3.60 or higher, they are eligible to apply for membership to the National Honor Society at Midlothian High School. Interested students should see Mrs. Costello in Room 144 for application information. The application deadline is Friday, March 25.
Volunteer Opportunity
Our Elementary Schools are searching for students in grades 10-12 (rising) to volunteer as a Leadership Intern for Camp Invention, June 6-9 at Watkins Elementary and June 13-16 at Crestwood Elementary. This is a great STEAM camp, and Leadership Interns will provide support with their groups of children as they move throughout the modules each day. Leadership Interns get 32 volunteer hours. This opportunity develops leadership skills through formalized training and practical experience, strengthens college/scholarship applications and provides a meaningful setting to complete required volunteer hours. Please contact Mallory Smith if interested. [email protected]
Women’s History Month
For Women’s History Month, the Honors American Women’s History class has created announcements highlighting key women in history, female owned businesses in our community, as well as busting the myths surrounding some historical figures. We’ve also created bookmarks, buttons, and stickers that students and staff can pick up every Friday in the closed commons. Finally, in the bathroom stalls, our class created posters that highlight key women and time periods important to them. Check out all of our creations at and thanks for supporting our class and celebrating the month of March with us.
Midlo Morning Library Procedures
Students please review these procedures for when you want to visit the library during Midlo Morning. The procedures are:
1) Reserve a spot for Midlo Morning using & click the MIDLO MORNING tab to find links for the respective days of the week.
2) This form will email you a pass that you should have on you when traveling through the hallway to the library.
3) Reservations are available Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
4) No passes are available on Friday.
5) Students must report to their assigned Midlo Morning for required attendance allowing the teacher to approve or deny permission for the student to leave the classroom.
6) No other passes will be accepted for Midlo Morning.
Thank you for your support of the Midlothian HS Library!
Congratulations to the Midlo FBLA
The Future Business Leaders of Midlothian High School just completed their Spring Regional Conference. Midlo had 100 students compete by taking a test or participating in a performance competition. We are so proud to announce that 60 students placed first in their competitive event and 40 of the 60 will be advancing on to the state leadership conference later this school year. We wish our state competitors good luck and congratulate all participants.
Congratulations Trojan Concert Band
Congratulations to the Midlo Trojan Band for receiving unanimous Superior Ratings from all four judges at the VBODA District Concert Band Assessment this past Saturday. This is the first time the Band has been able to perform at Assessment since 2019 and the first time EVER for many Band students. Superior is the highest rating, and the results of this Assessment combined with the Superior Rating the Trojan Marching Band received at their Assessment in the Fall mean that the Trojan Band Program is a Commonwealth of Virginia Honor Band again for the twenty-second time. This is the highest honor that the Virginia Band and Orchestra Association bestows on a Band program.
Congratulations Speech & Debate Team
Midlothian’s Speech and Debate Team had an amazing showing at the first in-person VHSL Regional competition in two years at Clover Hill High School this past weekend! Many Student Congress Representatives and Debaters competed for the first time ever! One Lincoln Douglas debater and all five Student Congress Representatives qualified for Super-Regionals to be held at Harrisonburg High School on 4/2/22. Wish them luck!!
The Midlothian Band Boosters will be hosting a spirit night tonight, March 15, from 5 P.M. – 8 P.M. at Blaze Pizza. In person please show the flyer, paper or electronic. On the website or the app enter coupon code 1176A. Pick up or curbside only – delivery is not available for fundraisers.
Support Midlo IB on Thursday, March 24 from 3 P.M. – 10 P.M., order your dinner from Tres Machos Restaurant located at 11521 Midlothian Turnpike, #H, North Chesterfield, VA 23235. This local restaurant is located just past N Courthouse Rd on Midlothian Turnpike heading East, near AutoZone. Tres Machos has agreed to generously donate 10% of proceeds to our Program. Be sure to mention Midlo IB when ordering! Thank you for supporting Midlo IBPC!
Midlo Gear!
The newly redesigned Midlo Gear is here! Order your Tshirt or Hoodie using our convenient order form! Thank you for your support!
As we begin Spring Sports this season, we are excited to be on a full VHSL schedule. In accordance, we have also continued to allow fans to buy tickets online to reduce any exchange of cash. Chesterfield County has partnered with GoFan and we are excited about the record time it takes to buy tickets- less than 1 minute!!! Please help us support a cashless system and buy your tickets online at using the link. VHSL, Senior Citizens, Midlo All Sports and Midlo Season Passes will be accepted during ALL REGULAR Season HOME games.
Want to order a Midlo HS Varsity Letterman Jacket? Please visit under Letter Jackets to place your order if interested!
The Midlothian High School PTSO has been seeking a diverse representation of the PTSO membership to serve as officers for the 2022-23 school year. Officer positions to be filled are President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Parliamentarian. While many current board members plan on returning to a board role again next school year, each position is a one-year term unless approved by the Board to serve a second term. Currently we have all the positions filled with volunteers for next year, but we always welcome new interest. Please consider attending our next meeting on Wednesday, April 13 at 7 P.M. to learn how you can become involved. The Nominating Committee will present the slate of nominees at this meeting. Elections will be held at our PTSO meeting Wednesday, May 11.
Duties include:
- President – Preside at meetings, retain official PTSO records, serve as official PTSO representative, serve as ex officio member of all committees
- Vice President – Assist the President, chair meetings in President’s absence, assist with committees and their work
- Secretary – Record/distribute meeting minutes, manage communications, assist President and Vice President as requested
- Treasurer – Custodian of the PTSO’s finances, collect revenue, pay authorized expenses, report financial activity monthly, facilitate annual audit, hold all financial records
- Parliamentarian- Acts as an advisor to the President and the Executive Board, oversees the nominating process and the practice of Robert’s Rules of Order
- Committee Chairs – The committee chairs are not an elected position. But we are seeking volunteers to chair or co-chair the following committees: Membership, Post Prom, and Hospitality
We hope that you will consider serving on the PTSO board or committee. Please contact us at [email protected]
Summer Behind the Wheel Signups
Summer Behind the Wheel sign ups April 12, 13 and 14th after school in the closed commons.
Free Dental Summer Camp
Do you have students interested in dental health sciences?
We are excited to share that the Delta Dental of Virginia Foundation has partnered with the ODU School of Dental Hygiene to offer a FREE virtual camp this summer for high school Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. The Dental Health Summer Institute is a five-day virtual camp held each day, Jul 18-22, for three hours each morning. The course will be taught by the ODU Gene W. Hirschfeld School of Dental Hygiene,
and will introduce students to a variety of dental health sciences topics and help them navigate the college admission process. Students can register here no later than March 28, 2022.
Don’t wait to apply! Seats are limited!
Seeking feedback
Chesterfield County Public Schools seeks feedback on its use of funds from the American Rescue Plan Act Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief fund. Please click here to submit comments or ideas.
CCPS SAT Resources and Information
We are pleased to let you know that your 11th grade student will take the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) during the school day on Wednesday, March 23. The SAT is a globally recognized college admission test that measures the reading, writing, and math skills that students learn in high school. Testing on a school day will allow your student to complete this important assessment in a familiar setting at no cost to your family.
Before testing, we recommend that each student take these steps to get ready:
- Create a College Board account at Students will need this account to view their SAT scores once they’re ready.
- Sign up for free practice at Videos and online practice items are available here at no charge from the Khan Academy.
- Plan to bring a familiar calculator in good working order. Check the SAT Calculator Policy to make sure your calculator will be allowed for this test.
- Come to school ready to do your best. Plan to get a good night’s rest the night before and eat a good breakfast before the test!
Additionally, virtual learners should be in touch with their home school if they wish to participate.
We are excited to provide this valuable opportunity for all our 11th grade students. Additional information about this test can be found in the SAT School Day Student Guide or the CollegeBoard website. Please contact your child’s school if you have any further questions.
CCPS Online Registration
Registration for CCPS online summer/school year is OPEN and will CLOSE on April 29.
SCHOOL & SUMMER Application Dates: opened – Tuesday, February 1, 2022, at 9 A.M.
CLOSES – Friday, April 29, 2022 at 5 P.M.
Full Credit (Year) Class: $325 ·
Half Credit (Semester) Class: $165
Application Process
- Family completes the application using the link on the CCPSOnline page
- Student’s counselor verifies the course request
- CCPSOnline notifies the student of acceptance and completes the enrollment
- Payment: In May, families will receive a notification via email regarding payment, if required, for the student’s online courses for the 2022 – 2023 school year. Please do not submit any school year payments unless you receive this notification.
- The Application Tracker can be used to determine application status as it moves through this process.
Parent Morning Drop Off
Did you know it’s a state law to stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk? Please be extra mindful of our students crossing the street on their way to school. The safety of our students will always be our top priority.
Parents, we have prepared attendance notes you can download and fill out for your student’s tardy, dismissal, and absence. Click here (or visit
Please note, if someone other than a parent/guardian is picking up your child, we need that in writing as students can be dismissed only on the request and authorization of the parent or legal guardian.
Students shall not be released during the school day to any person not authorized by the student’s parent or legal guardian. Students returning to school must check back in with the attendance office.
Returning from a Dismissal
Parents please remind your student that they need to check back into school through attendance anytime they leave the building with a dismissal permit.
Student Medication
If it is necessary for a student to receive medication during school hours, parents should contact the school for more information on the medication policy.
Under School Board Policy 4130 and its accompanying regulation 4130-R, all medications and refills must be brought to school by a parent or guardian. Prescription medication requires a written doctor’s order. Parents must sign a student medication administration request form. Except as provided in Policies 4130 and 4130- R, students found with medication are subject to disciplinary action as described in the Standards for Student Conduct and Attendance. Prescription medication must be in the original container labeled by a pharmacist.
Over-the-counter medication must be in a new, unopened container. Parents of a student with a chronic health condition must provide to the school clinic all medication prescribed by a healthcare provider and related supplies/equipment in the student’s emergency action plan, keeping both refilled as needed throughout the school year. Parents should be aware that medication is not accessible from the clinic during before- or after-school activities. At the end of each school year, parents must pick up their child’s medication from the school or it will be discarded. The deadline to pick up medication will be announced in May or June.
Job Opportunities: Student Job Fair (Save the Date)
Chesterfield County Public Schools is hosting a student Job Fair.
On April 27, 2022, from 3:30 P.M. to 6:30 P.M. at the Chesterfield Technical Center (13900 Hull Street Road, Midlothian, VA 23112) 40+ local employers will be on hand offering short-term (seasonal) and long-term employment opportunities with opportunities for students to interview on the spot and possibly be hired during the job fair.
Though the Job Fair is open to all employment eligible CCPS high school students, the primary focus is for seniors who are still seeking a post-high school plan. Click on the following link if your senior is still seeking a post-high school plan and encourage them to register for the event.
This event will be held at the Thomas R. Fulghum Center (Chesterfield Career and Technical @Hull) located at 13900 Hull Street Road, Midlothian, VA 23112. Be sure to dress appropriately for an interview.
Food From an Outside Vendor
Parents – please do not bring food from outside vendors for students to consume during the school day. We understand that on occasion parents will need to drop off lunch for their students and we have a system in place for such needs. We simply ask that parents do not deliver food from local fast food restaurants. Don’t forget – school lunches are free to all students for the 21-22 school year.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.
Attention Parents of Seniors
Recognize your senior and show your parent pride by displaying the Class of 2022 sign in your yard!
The Midlothian High School PTSO will be selling Midlothian High School Class of 2022 Graduate yard signs again this year. The cost of each sign is $20.00. Each one sided sign is 18 inches by 24 inches and includes a mounting stake. You can order now through March 18, 2022. This spring sale will not be delivered until April; however, the March deadline is the FINAL DEADLINE FOR THE YEAR. We can only collect fees for this activity online. No checks please. Please contact your school counselor if you are interested in obtaining a sign, but you are experiencing financial challenges at this time.
An email will be sent when the signs are ready for pick up with details on how distribution will happen. Signs are great to display in your yard all year and use in pictures! Our MHS signs are specific to our high school with name, logo and year thereby making a great keepsake. Again, the deadline to order signs is 3/18/2022.
Click here or the link below to place your order.
Bravo Awards!
Do you know a Midlothian HS graduate who has gone on to achieve greatness or make a significant contribution in some form? If so, then please consider nominating a Midlothian alum to be recognized as a Bravo award winner.
A Bravo award is like the Oscars for Chesterfield County Public Schools, designed to recognize the best of the best among our graduates. Help me to recognize the amazing accomplishments of our graduates and add to the display of Bravo recipient banners along our main hallway by nominating a deserving Midlothian grad for this prestigious award.
We currently have the most Bravo Award recognitions in CCPS and I’m confident we will continue to do so. Click here to submit your nomination.
Online registration via: is required for each athlete to try out for a sport. In addition to the required forms, each athlete MUST retrieve a tryout card to turn in to the coach on the first day of tryouts signifying they have all necessary paperwork turned in.
Spring Sports begin Feb 21, 2022
Scholarship Opportunity
Please click here (and check back frequently for updates) for updated scholarship information

Bridget Tracy, Editor-in-Chief, Class of 2022
Senior Bridget Tracy has been on staff for three years, and continues to write high-interest articles,...