Message from Dr. Abel
Midlo Principal’s Message: March 1, 2022
Photo by: Bridget Tracy
Dr. Abel delivers weekly school-wide message every Tuesday.
As we kick off the month of March, we are one step closer to more daylight, more sunshine, warmer temps, and of course, spring sports. It is an exciting time to say the least. We’re also heading into the final three weeks of the third nine-week marking period. Please continue to encourage students to stay on top of their school work, complete assignments as they’re assigned (don’t let work pile up), and utilize the resources we have at Midlo to help them maximize their potential.
We also have some fun events planned in the near future. I hope to share exact dates and times as early as next week.
Daily Announcements
Click here at any time to view our daily slideshow announcements or our weekly video announcements
Click here to view this week’s video announcements
Change in Calendar Days
Please note a change in our school calendar. April 1 and May 31 will be even day classes.
Exam Information
Exams are back for all students. Seniors will have an opportunity to be exempt from their exam following the guidelines outlined on Page 22 of the student handbook. My goal is to share the exam schedule and exemption details as early as next week. In the meantime, please carefully monitor absences (you can view in StudentVue) and send an updated note to the attendance office if an absence should be documented as “quarantine”. Quarantine absences do not count toward a student’s exam exemption status.
Parent Morning Drop Off
Did you know it’s a state law to stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk? Please be extra mindful of our students crossing the street on their way to school. The safety of our students will always be our top priority.
Parents, we have prepared attendance notes you can download and fill out for your student’s tardy, dismissal, and absence. Click here (or visit
Please note, if someone other than a parent/guardian is picking up your child, we need that in writing as students can be dismissed only on the request and authorization of the parent or legal guardian.
Students shall not be released during the school day to any person not authorized by the student’s parent or legal guardian. Students returning to school must check back in with the attendance office.
Returning From a Dismissal
Parents please remind your student that they need to check back into school through attendance anytime they leave the building with a dismissal permit.
Student Medication
If it is necessary for a student to receive medication during school hours, parents should contact the school for more information on the medication policy.
Under School Board Policy 4130 and its accompanying regulation 4130-R, all medications and refills must be brought to school by a parent or guardian. Prescription medication requires a written doctor’s order. Parents must sign a student medication administration request form. Except as provided in Policies 4130 and 4130- R, students found with medication are subject to disciplinary action as described in the Standards for Student Conduct and Attendance. Prescription medication must be in the original container labeled by a pharmacist.
Over-the-counter medication must be in a new, unopened container. Parents of a student with a chronic health condition must provide to the school clinic all medication prescribed by a healthcare provider and related supplies/equipment in the student’s emergency action plan, keeping both refilled as needed throughout the school year. Parents should be aware that medication is not accessible from the clinic during before- or after-school activities. At the end of each school year, parents must pick up their child’s medication from the school or it will be discarded. The deadline to pick up medication will be announced in May or June.
Students of the Month
Congratulations to the following students who were recognzied as our students of the month.
- Madeline Rudd
- Kate Grilliot
PTSO Update
Our next PTSO meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 9 at 6 P.M. It will be a brief meeting followed by a presentation from the College Funding Coach. Please see the information below for more details.
Our Post Prom Committee is working hard on planning the event. Please look for an email later this week with details about making donations for it. If you would like to help chair a committee, we still need a volunteer coordinator. Please email us at [email protected].
Job Opportunities – Student Job Fair (Save the Date)
Chesterfield County Public Schools is hosting a student Job Fair.
On April 27, 2022, from 3:30 P.M. to 6:30 P.M. at the Chesterfield Technical Center (13900 Hull Street Road, Midlothian, VA 23112) 40+ local employers will be on hand offering short-term (seasonal) and long-term employment opportunities with opportunities for students to interview on the spot and possibly be hired during the job fair.
Though the Job Fair is open to all employment eligible CCPS high school students, the primary focus is for seniors who are still seeking a post-high school plan. Click on the following link if your senior is still seeking a post-high school plan and encourage them to register for the event.
This event will be held at the Thomas R. Fulghum Center (Chesterfield Career and Technical @Hull) located at 13900 Hull Street Road, Midlothian, VA 23112. Be sure to dress appropriately for an interview.
Food from an Outside Vendor
Parents – please do not bring food from outside vendors for students to consume during the school day. We understand that on occasion parents will need to drop off lunch for their students and we have a system in place for such needs. We simply ask that parents do not deliver food from local fast food restaurants. Don’t forget – school lunches are free to all students for the 21-22 school year.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.
Paws for a Cause Fundraiser
The Midlothian High School Paws for a Cause club is running a pet food/supply drive for the Richmond SPCA from Monday, March 7 to Friday, March 18. Some of the supplies can be found around your house, such as gallon and quart sized Ziploc bags or Low Sodium Chicken Stock for picky canine eaters. Other much needed items for animals in need include: Kong and Nylabone toys for dogs, puppy training pads, soft cat toys, unopened dog or cat food, soft training treats for dogs, or unused litter pails with handles for cats. A full list can be found at the collection bins in front of the counseling office if you’re interested. Be sure to drop off any food donations in the front office for safekeeping. Let’s collect as much as possible for our local animal shelter and show that Midlo cares!
The Governor’s Fellows Program
Applications are now being accepted for the 2022 Governor’s Fellows Program.
The Governor’s Fellows Program is a prestigious opportunity for rising seniors and recent graduates to get a firsthand look at the executive branch in action. Since 1982, fellows have worked alongside the Governor’s Cabinet and staff, learning about state government and assisting in essential work for the Commonwealth.
Qualified applicants must be rising college seniors, graduating seniors, or graduate students. All Virginia college and university students are eligible to apply. Virginia residents who attend out-of-state colleges and universities are also eligible. Both public and private college and university students are encouraged to apply.
The selection of fellows is based solely on merit. The Fellows Program does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, disability, or veteran status.
For more information visit the Governor’s Fellows Program website.
The deadline to apply for the Governor’s Fellows Program is Monday, March 28, 2022. Interviews will begin on March 30, 2022. Applicants will be advised on decisions beginning on April 18, 2022. The program runs from Monday, May 30, 2022 to Friday, July 29, 2020.
To apply, visit the Governor’s Fellows Program website and send the required recommendation letters to the address below:
Governor’s Fellows Program
Post Office Box 2454
Richmond, Virginia 23219
Please email any questions to [email protected].
Out of the loop? Check the Scoop!
Interested in having your work published? Read our story on Midlo’s literary magazine, The Canary. Visit the Scoop to get constant updates on current world events and to get to know our teachers with 22 Questions.
Keep up with whats new by following our Instagram: @MidloScoop
If you are interested in advertising in the Midlo Scoop, please contact Lisa Martin Hudgins at [email protected].
Advisory Board Members Needed
Advisory committees established by the Chesterfield County School Board are one way that community members connect with their local schools. Please consider applying for a current opening in your district using this link.
From the Career Center
- SAT Prep – Students who have recently taken the PSAT/NMSQT are encouraged to sign up for Official SAT Practice by sending scores to Khan Academy. Prep will be customized to student strengths/weaknesses – once the CollegeBoard and Khan Academy accounts are linked. Learn how to link accounts HERE.
- School Day SAT – Wednesday, March 23, 2022. All juniors will take the SAT (free) during the day on 3/23. More information will be shared closer to the scheduled date.
- GRASP Advisor Appointments – meet (in-person or virtually) with Cheryl Edlow, Midlothian’s GRASP Advisor, to learn more about how to access sources of college funding, to assist with submission of the FAFSA, and to understand financial aid packaging. Schedule an appointment HERE.
- John Tyler Community College Foundation Scholarships – Considering JTCC (soon to be called Brightpoint CC)? Apply before April 15 for scholarship consideration – for new and current students. Awards range from $500 to $4000 for the 2022-23 academic year. Scholarship information and application found HERE.
- “Next Steps for Next Fall” – Monday, March 28 @ 9 A.M. in the Library. John Tyler CC (Brightpoint CC) representative Jordan Meadows will visit at 9 A.M. on 3/28 to outline what seniors need to do to apply/enroll for Fall 2022. He will also review the many options available for students interested in transfer/short term training/certificate programs.
CCPS Online Registration
Registration for CCPS online summer/school year is OPEN and will CLOSE on April 29.
SCHOOL & SUMMER Application Dates: opened – Tuesday, February 1, 2022, at 9 A.M.
CLOSES – Friday, April 29, 2022 at 5 P.M.
Full Credit (Year) Class: $325 ·
Half Credit (Semester) Class: $165
Application Process
- Family completes the application using the link on the CCPSOnline page
- Student’s counselor verifies the course request
- CCPSOnline notifies the student of acceptance and completes the enrollment
- Payment: In May, families will receive a notification via email regarding payment, if required, for the student’s online courses for the 2022 – 2023 school year. Please do not submit any school year payments unless you receive this notification.
- The Application Tracker can be used to determine application status as it moves through this process.
Survey Time!
We are asking that parents, students, and teachers complete this survey in order to help all members of the school (students, parents, and school personnel) understand how you feel about your school. The survey address is listed below.
There are no right or wrong answers—this is not a test! We just want to know how you feel. This survey is voluntary, which means you don’t have to take this survey. However, if you choose to, your responses will provide us with important information to help your school become even better.
All of your responses are completely anonymous; we will not ask for your name. Your teachers and family will not see how you filled out your survey. When completing the open-ended statements, do not use any names or make references that will identify you.
Please read each item carefully and mark one choice for each item. Please answer all of the questions, or your answers won’t be recorded. If you don’t want to answer a question or don’t know how to answer a question, you should choose “Not Applicable”. If you need help reading a question, you may ask the person giving the survey or your teacher.
This survey should take you approximately 10 minutes.
Thank you for taking this survey!
Mirror Me Program
The Mirror Me program aims to recruit and retain teachers of varied backgrounds by increasing the number of minority teachers and promoting the importance of the teaching profession. To support this effort, CCPS has partnered with Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) and Virginia State University (VSU) to build pathways for students to pursue higher education in teacher-preparation programs and become teachers in Chesterfield County.
Current CCPS juniors and seniors enrolled in their teacher-prep program are eligible to apply to be part of the Mirror Me program.
All interested students, who meet the eligibility requirements, should complete the Mirror Me application, which can be accessed here. The application asks for applicants’ personal information, school information, transcript and a written statement. Applications can be submitted electronically and are due by 11:59 P.M., Friday, March 18, 2022.
Attention Parents of Seniors
Recognize your senior and show your parent pride by displaying the Class of 2022 sign in your yard!
The Midlothian High School PTSO will be selling Midlothian High School Class of 2022 Graduate yard signs again this year. The cost of each sign is $20.00. Each one sided sign is 18 inches by 24 inches and includes a mounting stake. You can order now through March 18, 2022. This spring sale will not be delivered until April; however, the March deadline is the FINAL DEADLINE FOR THE YEAR. We can only collect fees for this activity online. No checks please. Please contact your school counselor if you are interested in obtaining a sign, but you are experiencing financial challenges at this time.
An email will be sent when the signs are ready for pick up with details on how distribution will happen. Signs are great to display in your yard all year and use in pictures! Our MHS signs are specific to our high school with name, logo and year thereby making a great keepsake. Again, the deadline to order signs is 3/18/2022.
Click here or the link below to place your order.
Bravo Awards!
Do you know a Midlothian HS graduate who has gone on to achieve greatness or make a significant contribution in some form? If so, then please consider nominating a Midlothian alum to be recognized as a Bravo award winner.
A Bravo award is like the Oscars for Chesterfield County Public Schools, designed to recognize the best of the best among our graduates. Help me to recognize the amazing accomplishments of our graduates and add to the display of Bravo recipient banners along our main hallway by nominating a deserving Midlothian grad for this prestigious award.
We continue to increase our Bravo Award recognitions and I’m confident we will continue to do so. Click here to submit your nomination.
Attention Seniors!
2021-22 Graduation Ceremony
Mark your calendars for: 7 P.M. Monday, May 23, 2022 at the Siegel Center. More information to share as the date nears.
Scholarship Opportunity
Please click here (and check back frequently for updates) for updated scholarship information.

Lilly Moidel, Class of 2024
Sophomore Lilly Moidel has been on staff for two years, and enjoys writing about sporting events, and stories that involve...

Bridget Tracy, Editor-in-Chief, Class of 2022
Senior Bridget Tracy has been on staff for three years, and continues to write high-interest articles,...