Message from Dr. Abel
Midlo Principal’s Message: December 14, 2021
Photo by: Bridget Tracy
Dr. Abel delivers weekly school-wide message every Tuesday.
Greetings, Midlothian Community. This is your principal, Shawn Abel, with your weekly message. Here we are – the last school week of 2021. I know your students are looking to finish the calendar year strong, especially knowing we only have two weeks remaining after break before the close of the 1st semester. Where does the time go?
Please read below for several updates.
Safety Reminders
Please remind students to report immediately to administration (or another faculty member) if they ever learn of any school safety concerns. The sooner we are made aware, the sooner we can investigate and do our best to ensure a safe learning environment for everyone.
Also, please reiterate with our students to be careful what they post on social media. We have students who are starting anonymous social media accounts, encouraging others to upload pictures of others, share confessions, and more. Now more than ever, it is important that our students learn how to use social media responsibly.
Change to MM schedule coming in January
When we return from winter break we will make a change in our MM schedule.
MM 0 will now be on Wednesday. Below is the MM schedule, please make note of the change which is in effect for the remainder of the school year.
MM Schedule – 2022
Monday – MM 1
Tuesday – MM 2
Wednesday – MM 0
Thursday – MM 3
Friday – MM 4.
Also, please note that we have planned the following school-wide events during Midlo Morning 0 the first four weeks of January on each Wednesday. Please plan accordingly.
January 5 – Organization and Communication
January 12 – Wellness lesson
January 19 – Stop, Drop, and Schedule (seniors may be able to visit other classes – if they have a pass)
January 26 – Stop, Drop, and Survey. Each faculty member and student will complete a state-mandated school climate survey.
Athletic News
Parents, Guardians, Community Members and students, please follow us on social media so you can stay current with the latest athletic events and news-
Twitter-@GoMidlo and @10Scollins
IG- Midlothian High School Sports
NCAA Signing Day
When: December 15, 2021
Where: Aux Gym during Midlo Morning
For: DI & DII Scholarship Recipients
Next Signing Day: April 13, 2021, for DI-DIII
Indoor Track: Boys & Girls Varsity Meet 4 P.M. @ Monacan High School
THURSDAY, DEC 16, 2021
Girls JV Game 5:45 P.M. @ Clover Hill Clover Hill High School
Girls Varsity Game 7:15 P.M. @ Clover Hill Clover Hill High School
Boys JV Game 5:45 P.M. @ Glen Allen High School
Boys Varsity Game 7:15 P.M. @ Glen Allen High School
FRIDAY, DEC 17, 2021
Varsity Classic 4 P.M. @ Mechanicsville High School
Boys JV Game 5:45 P.M. Clover Hill @ Midlothian High School Main Gym
Boys Varsity Game 7:15 P.M. Clover Hill @ Midlothian High School Main Gym
SATURDAY, DEC 18, 2021
Varsity Classic 9 A.M. @ Mechanicsville High School
Holiday Performances
Our Band (12/14), Orchestra/Guitar (12/15) and Chorus (12/16) students will perform winter concerts this week. The band and chorus concerts have limited seating and are by invitation only to ensure we adhere to social distancing guidelines. Orchestra should be able to accommodate all guests who wish to attend.
PTSO Update
The PTSO has multiple upcoming events to show our gratitude and support for the staff at Midlothian High School, as we celebrate this holiday season. Please consider getting involved to help make it a success.
What better way to show we are thankful than treating MHS teachers to a gift card for $25 or more to your favorite RVA eatery, local or online shopping, coffee shop, nail salon or experience (ie. massage, movie tickets, college sporting event, vacation home/rental etc). If you are an area business owner and can provide a gift basket of products or a gift certificate for services to show your appreciation, that would be amazing as well. Please send them to the office in an envelope marked PTSO, collecting now through Thursday, December 16th. They will be raffled at a staff event in the New Year, 2022!
The PTSO will be hosting a luncheon for the entire faculty before winter break. Thank you to everyone who volunteered to help. Please remember to bring in the items by Tuesday, December 14.
Your PTSO membership dues will pay for the lunch and gifts. Thank you to everyone who has joined and/or made a donation to the PTSO. If you would still like to join or make a donation please visit the Cheddar Uplink.
Please contact us at [email protected] with any questions. Our next meeting will be held Wednesday, January 12 at 7 P.M.
Thank you for your continued support!
Winter Spirit Week
Attention students and faculty/staff – let’s have some fun our last week before winter break by participating in our winter spirit week.
- Thursday (16): Ugly Sweater
- Friday (17): Midlo Spirit Wear
We’re offering some small, yet fun prizes for some of our best participants. Tag us at #GoMidlo with a picture of your outfits on any of the spirit days.
Fun Fundraiser
Take some time off from meal prep right before Winter Break and support Midlo IB on Thursday, December 16th from 4 P.M. – 8 P.M. at the Panera Bread in Westchester Commons. Order online at and enter the code PRFUND at checkout or mention the code to the cashier when ordering at the cafe. Thank you for supporting Midlo IB!
CCPS Resources
Click here to access resources provided by CCPS.
Daily Announcements
Click here at any time to view our daily slideshow announcements or our weekly video announcements
Click here to view this week’s video announcements (shared on Monday, December 6, 2021)
Student Names on Dismissals
Parents please refrain from solely using nicknames on student notes. Any student note should always have the student identification number and the name of the student upon enrollment. If your student has a preferred name or a nickname please put that in “…” following the enrolled name and student id. Thank you for your cooperation.
Attention Seniors
2021-22 Graduation Ceremony
Mark your calendars for 7 P.M. Monday, May 23rd, 2022 at the Siegel Center. More information to share as the date nears.
Scholarship Opportunities
Please click here (and check back frequently for updates) for updated scholarship information

Lilly Moidel, Class of 2024
Sophomore Lilly Moidel has been on staff for two years, and enjoys writing about sporting events, and stories that involve...