Message from Dr. Abel
Midlo Principal’s Message: November 9, 2021
Photo by: Bridget Tracy
Dr. Abel delivers weekly school-wide message every Tuesday.
Parent drop off and pick up
We all recognize that the traffic on Charter Colony is becoming increasingly busier each day. Please remember to leave early in the morning, be patient, and watch for students crossing at the crosswalk. As a reminder, vehicles entering the main parking lot can do so together from both directions. If you are coming from Midlothian Turnpike, turn left into the parking lot and remain in the left lane. If you are coming from Woolridge, turn right into the parking lot and remain in the right lane as you merge left later. Thank you!
Student Illnesses during the school day
Students who become sick at school must request to see the nurse. Students should not text home to be picked up before seeing the nurse. The nurse will have the student contact the parent if pick-up is needed. The school must document any student leaving school ill.
College and career month
As we continue to raise awareness for College and Career Month, students have been challenged to participate in our Faculty / Student scavenger hunt and our Annual Mascot Challenge (directions coming soon). Get involved and learn more about the Midlo faculty.
Financial Aid Workshop
On Wednesday, November 17 @ 6:30 p.m. in the Library. Belinda Hill, University of Richmond Financial Aid Officer, will present a program for seniors and parents on navigating the financial aid process, completing the FAFSA, and comparing aid packages among colleges. This presentation, sponsored by the Career Center, is informal and will allow time for questions.
Midlothian GRASP Advisor Cheryl Edlow offers virtual appointments on Wednesdays and in-person appointments on Thursdays – to assist families with submitting the FAFSA and seeking other college funding sources. Appointments can be scheduled HERE.
College visits wrap up this week (see schedule below) but students/families can learn more about the many post-high school programs offered in Virginia (two and four-year college, community college, short-term and vocational training institutions) through the State Council for Higher Education in Virginia (SCHEV) website.
- Wednesday, November 10 – College of Charleston @ 9:21 a.m.
- Thursday, November 11 – Richard Bland College (of William and Mary) @ 9:21 a.m.
- Thursday, November 11 – Ferrum College @ 10:30 a.m.
- Friday, November 12 – College of William and Mary @ 9:21 a.m. (virtual)
If you would like to get involved and learn about PTSO events, please join us on the second Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. for our PTSO meetings. All members are always welcome. We will have in-person meetings.
Our next meeting is tomorrow, Wednesday, November 10 at 7 p.m. in the library. We will not meet again until Wednesday, January 12. Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions
Thank you for your support!
–The Midlothian PTSO Board
Midlo Scoop
If you are interested in advertising in the Midlo Scoop, please contact Lisa Martin Hudgins at [email protected].
Almost, Maine
Click here to learn how you can check out Midlo’s first live play in almost two years.
We are in the final Region 5C and VHSL Class 5 State Playoff Games for Fall Sports Team! Fall Sports: ALL TICKETS FOR EVENTS BELOW ARE available for purchase through
11/9- Girls Volleyball Region 5C Championships. Midlo vs. Mills Godwin at MG- 5:30 p.m.
Girls –
11/12- Varsity Football – Regional First Round: Midlo vs. MG- 7 p.m. at Midlo
11/13- VHSL Class 5 State XC Championships- Great Meadows- 11:45 a.m.
Class 5 Girls –
11/13 – Midlo v. Cosby HS – Champions Together Bocce Ball Competition (9:30 a.m. @ Cosby HS)
Winter Sports Tryouts: All forms must be uploaded on the Athletic Website before tryouts start.
Girls Basketball- 3:30 p.m. (Main Gym)
Swim- 3:30 p.m. (Midlo YMCA)
Wrestling- 4 p.m. (Aux Gym)
Boys Basketball- 4:45 p.m. (Main Gym)
Indoor Track- 3:15 p.m.
Athletic Signing Days: Midlo will host two Official Signing days during MM for student-athletes. If students sign on their own on other dates, they can still join the official school signing day. More information to follow.
Dec 15, 2021 for DI & DII
Apr 13, 2021 for DI-DIII
Celebrate National STEM Day
Celebrate National STEM Day by nominating a teacher at your school!
Happy National STEM Day! Today, STEM educators around the country are working harder than ever to ensure that students are receiving the best quality STEM education. Even with all of the hurdles encountered over the last year, STEM teachers have continued to find innovative ways to improve their craft and adapt their lessons to fit the needs of their students.
Show your appreciation today for a STEM teacher, or multiple teachers, in your school by nominating them for the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST)! Many PAEMST alumni frequently share how the award changed their life – your nominee could be one of them!
Check out Midlo’s Fall Orchestra Concert
Click here to watch Mr. Fletcher and his students perform at our fall concert.
Support our Champions Together Club!
Our Champions Together Club will once again participate in the Special Olympics Polar Plunge. Click here to learn how you can donate and support this wonderful program.
Support Paws for a cause
The Paws for a Cause Fall supply drive is running from November 3 to November 12. This year, we are donating much-needed supplies to the Richmond Animal League. Items include canned dog/cat food, cat/dog toys, hand soap, paper towels, Ziploc bags, and many more. A full supply list can be found in front of the counseling office. Thank you so much for your support!
Fun charitable event that includes eating (and not cooking)
Midlo IB Fundraiser. Don’t feel like cooking on Wednesday, November 10? Everyone can order from Noodles & Co in Westchester Commons from 4 p.m. – 8 p.m. and support Midlo IB! Order in store or make it take out and mention “Midlo IB.” Place your order online by using the coupon code GIVING25. Noodles & Co serves delicious flavors from all around the world and they are generously supporting Midlo IB with a whopping 25% of their proceeds coming right back to support our Program. Please encourage your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers to participate as well! Thank you for supporting Midlo IB!
Five Weeks of Giving:
Midlo’s Five Weeks of Giving has begun. Midlothian High School, led by our school counseling department, is working with our partner, Kingsway Church to collect items to support our families. Check out the flyer below to see what we are collecting each week. Thank you in advance for your support and generosity.
Senior Scholarship Fundraiser
Click here or type this link ( to purchase your popcorn and to support Midlothian HS senior scholarships.
Do you like Coffee?
You can purchase coffee and support our Midlothian High School Orchestra at the same time.
Visit to make your purchase and support our talented and hardworking Orchestra students.
CCPS Resources and Important Dates:
Click here to view a wealth of important CCPS resources and upcoming dates
Midlo substitute teachers needed
In case you didn’t hear – CCPS has provided a raise for substitute teachers. And, substitute teachers will receive a substantial pay bump for high need days, such as Fridays.
Did you know that you can select the schools where you can serve as a substitute teacher? That’s right, if you want to substitute teach at Midlo only, then you can do that. Midlothian HS is looking for enthusiastic, responsible, and dedicated substitute teachers to fill in for our amazing teachers when they are absent. Click on the link below if you wish to apply to serve as a substitute teacher at Midlo.
Financial Support
Midlothian High School hosts many events, such as dances, graduation, and more that may incur various expenses. Please contact your school counselor if you ever need support with financial expenses associated with such events. Our Trojans in Need (TIN) fund and group have helped students to pay for a dance, acquire a dress or graduation attire. We will keep all conversations and requests for support confidential.
2020-2021 Yearbooks are available for pickup. Please contact Mr. Tim Johnson, our yearbook advisor, to arrange for your student’s yearbook to be brought up to the front office. He can be reached via email at: [email protected]
Attention Seniors
Did you miss the opportunity to order your Cap & Gown? Don’t stress, you can still order graduation items, including your cap and gown, by visiting their website at:
Job Opportunities
Do you know someone who is a hard worker and might be interested in returning to Midlo? If they are looking for full-time employment, including health benefits and some limited overtime, then consider applying to serve as a Midlothian High School Day Porter by clicking on the link below.

Hallie Samuel, Class of 2023
Junior Hallie Samuel is spending her first year on staff this year, and enjoys writing about student life. She loves...