Les Maisons Hantées
French Club Haunted House Competition
On Tuesday October 4, the French Club conducted an enthralling meeting. Students strolled through the double doors of the closed commons in high spirits and entered a room full of graham crackers, frosting, sprinkles, M&Ms, black Twizzlers and other candies on a mission to construct a mix of architectural sense and a creativity: haunted houses.
In this year’s Halloween Candy Haunted House Competition, students vied for a much desired homework pass for their French class. Mme Garrison gave a short introduction and spoke the magic words to begin the competition. As students rushed to the table of treats, the scuffling of feet and yelling of directions could be heard across the room. Students dashed all around gathering materials to build the best, scariest house in 30 minutes.
Eventually, the judges; Mrs. Bowes, Mr. Garrison, Ms. Goins, Mrs. Warriner, and Mr. Schwab, chose the winners. When asked about the turnout, French Club President BJ Beckwith exclaims,”We’re really happy with the turnout this year. We are also excited about all the underclassmen and new students coming.” The Halloween House Competition, a big hit, continued the tradition, and all students and faculty walked away with big smiles plastered on their faces and tasty treats in their bellies.