Midlo clubs kick off the school year virtually
Midlothian High School Clubs 2020-2021
Photo by: John Schnobrich
Midlo clubs prepare virtual meetings during COVID-19.
Distance learning challenges extracurricular activities to take a different approach. In order to stay dynamic, numerous clubs at Midlothian High School have taken the initiative to continue operating virtually by transitioning to online platforms, including: Champions Together, FBLA, Paws for a Cause, Young Adult Book Club, Spanish National Honors Society, and IB Student Council. These organizations allow students the opportunity to interact with each other outside of the structured environment of virtual learning. According to Mrs. Heather Murfee, “All signs indicate that clubs will have a strong presence [this year within the Midlo community].”
One of Virginia’s Special Olympics Programs, Champions Together, provides impactful friendships within the Midlo Community. Senior Lena Caffall, a member, states, “Champions Club is definitely going to be a little different, but we are still so excited for all of the amazing things we are going to do this year! Whatever the situation, we always strive to promote a fun and inclusive environment in our club.” The clubs hosts Google Meets twice per month, both during Midlo Morning and after school. These meetings will offer many fun games and activities, such as crafts and scavenger hunts.
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) prepares students for careers in business by partaking in competitions. Senior Ally Marmo, a four-year member of FBLA, remarks, “Although this final year was not what I was expecting, I’m excited for where it will take me and the things I will learn. FBLA has already taught me so much about myself, and now being a part of the Virginia State Officer team, we are all learning how to problem solve and work together with the obstacles thrown at us.”
One of Midlo’s newest clubs, Paws for a Cause, works to help homeless animals within the community. The club plans to make pet toys and donate time at the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA). Junior Alex Walker, a founder of Paws for a Cause, shares, “I started Paws for a Cause because I’ve had a strong connection with animals since I was little, and I wanted to do something to help the ones in need, while also benefiting the students at Midlo. Hopefully, this club will inspire students to help create change in the animal community and raise awareness for helping animals in need.” Paws for a Cause plans to meet virtually once or twice every nine weeks to organize events and to help the animals in the community.
The Spanish National Honor Society overflows with students who enjoy and excel in Spanish. The club encourages immersion into the Spanish language among students. Senior Caroline Bowe, a member of NSHS, states, “I love being in the Spanish National Honor Society because it’s a great way to learn more about Hispanic culture with my classmates. I just had a virtual meeting, and we began talking about what this year will look like virtually. The officers of the NSHS will start planning fun activities to do during online club meetings. So far, things don’t seem too different being virtual. It was so fun to see Señora Jimenez and all of my classmates in the NSHS!”
Midlo’s Young Adult Book Club has taken virtual meetings as an opportunity for more members to join. The club sponsors, Ms. Mary Britten, Mrs. Emilia Evans, Mrs. Heather Murfee, and Ms. Elizabeth Boese, hope that the cancellation of other after-school activities will give students an opportunity to spend time reading. They are considering keeping virtual parts of the book club when students return to school in order to provide more flexibility. Mrs. Murfee remarks that the book club “allows those excited about the book to connect with each other and provides an opportunity for like-minded book lovers to strengthen the feeling of community.”
The International Baccalaureate Student Council (IBSC) has started bi-weekly Google Meets to support IB students during distance learning. Additionally, it has focused on creating a larger social media presence, such as making monthly student vlogs on its Youtube Channel and starting a virtual breast cancer awareness campaign. The IBSC website, which includes a monthly newsletter and calendar keep students informed. “We’re trying our best to keep everyone connected during these difficult times,” expresses Bella Wagner, a 10th grade level representative.
To learn more about Midlo’s clubs, check out the virtual club fair.

Quinn Downing, Class of 2023
Quinn Downing has been on staff for four years and is Editor-in-Chief. Outside of school, she loves traveling, reading...