Midlo students kick off 40 Days of Lent
2020 Lenten Holiday
On Wednesday, February 26, 2020, many students throughout Midlothian High School began their 40 day reflection of Lent, a Christian holiday that is globally celebrated by most Catholics, Baptists, Lutherans, and Methodists. Lent is a 40-day period, during which Christians give up certain foods or luxuries to recreate Jesus’s 40 days of fasting. The first day of Lent is called Ash Wednesday, and on Ash Wednesday, Christians receive ash in the shape of a cross on their foreheads or hands. The ashes, derived from the burned remains of palm branches used on the previous Palm Sunday, represent faithfulness and commitment to Christ.
This year, Lent began on February 26, and will conclude on April 9, 2020, totaling 40 days without including Sundays. The 40 days and 40 nights represent the amount of time that Jesus Christ spent fasting and praying alone in the Judaean Desert. During his pilgrimage, Jesus fasted for the entire duration, resisting the temptation of Satan. Christians remember and recreate Jesus’ pilgrimage during the Lenten holiday.
Some of the ways some Midlothian High School students plan to observe Lent follow: Freshmen Christian Gross and Laniyah Moomau plan to abstain from consuming soda for the health benefits of not drinking the sugary beverage. Sophomore Kiyah Burrell-Junius states she plans to “cut back on peanut M&M’s” because of her constant craving, while Brennan Lane and Ty Morgan both agree to give up video games. Lane remarks that by not playing video games, he hopes to “improve [his] grades and increase [his] focus.” Throughout the Lenten holiday, students will try their best to stay committed to their devotions.

Kyle Reeder, Class of 2023
Kyle Reeder has been on staff for four years and is the Multi-Media Editor. Outside of school, he runs cross country and...