Mu Alpha Theta offers math help to struggling students
Mu Alpha Theta Midlo Morning 0 Math Tutoring Sessions
This year, Midlothian High School’s Mu Alpha Theta Chapter will host tutoring events throughout the year to help students struggling in math classes. On October 23, 2019, the 2019-2020 Mu Alpha Theta officers, President Vic Lin, Vice President Emily Morrison, Secretary Ashley Manheim, and Treasurer Mary Courtney Hettinger, along with sponsors, Mrs. Amber Lanpher and Mrs. Mary Williams, met to discuss their plans for the new school year. Not only does the group plan to continue with Midlo’s annual Pi Day, but they also hope to gain more participation in tutoring sessions offered during Midlo Morning Zero dates.
On November 8th and 22nd during Midlo Morning, Mu Alpha Theta tutors welcome any student seeking help in Pre-Calculus, Trigonometry Advanced Algebra, Trigonometry Analysis, Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry. Mrs. Williams will host this event in room 338 on the math hallway. Based on attendance, the honor society will decide future events but plan to continue them every other Friday after the 22nd. Teachers will encourage students needing help to attend these events, and other incentives, such as homework passes may be rewarded depending on the student’s teacher.
Any student in need of math tutoring should report to room 338 on the advertised dates to receive help from knowledgeable Mu Alpha Theta tutors.