Seniors turn the page to begin final high school chapter
Midlothian High School Senior Convocation 2019
On Thursday, September 19, 2019, Midlothian High School seniors celebrated the day that marks the official beginning of their senior year: Senior Convocation. As the seniors, dressed in business attire, reported to their first period classes and anxiously waited for the announcement that released them to the start of their official last year of high school, they received numerous admiring glances from the underclassmen. As soon as the office released them to the auditorium, students hurried in to get the best seat they could.
Dr. Shawn Abel, Midlothian’s Principal, welcomed and congratulated the seniors for making it to their senior year. He turned the program over to the new Senior Class Sponsor, Ms. Elizabeth Boese, who shared opening remarks and introduced the Class of 2020 officers: Preston Willett as President, Audrey Longstaff as Vice President, Conan Darrah as Historian, Sarah Aud as Treasurer, and Rachel Damico as Secretary. Willett then came up to the podium to introduce this year’s convocation speaker, Mr. Roben Farzad.
Farzad brings with him a plethora of knowledge as the host of the weekly Podcast “Full Disclosure” on National Public Radio One and as a special correspondent on PBS NewsHour. The speaker previously worked as a senior writer for Bloomberg Businessweek, where he covered Wall Street, international finance, and Latin America. Also, he is the author of Hotel Scarface: Where Cocaine Cowboys Partied and Plotted to Control Miami. As a graduate of Princeton University and Harvard Business School, Farzad imparted on the riveted seniors. He advised the students that there is more to life beyond high school and suggested that they not get too caught up on the minute, unimportant details. Senior Thomas Mendoza shared, “I loved the speech, and he brought humor into a stressful time for seniors.”
Following the speaker, Boese rejoined the stage for the annual tradition of swearing in the new class officers. After their official installation as the 2019-2020 Senior Class Officers, Darrah announced the new senior class council, who will aid them in all their efforts to improve Midlo this school year: Kelsey Seiler, Morgan Cobbs, John Williams, Zeena Shalati, Sophia Nadder, Natalie Benke, Sarah Hardiman, Grace Jackson, Chloe Brennan, Olivia Ibanez, Tegan Lee, Vic Lin, Elizabeth Potts, Sydney Sowers, and Maddie Thomsen. Following the council reveal, each officer shared information and insight regarding the rest of senior year, and then President Willett dismissed the class to enjoy breakfast in the closed commons and courtyard for the remainder of first period and Midlo Morning.
Students enjoyed a nice breakfast, courtesy of the PTSO, with their peers, including lots of Chick-fil-A, cookies, picture taking, and chatting with friends. The Class of 2020 Convocation shows definite hope for a fantastic senior year.