Trojans March to Boys and Girls State
Girls and Boys State Delegate Announcement
Photo by: American Legion
Every year, Midlothian High School, in conjunction with the American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary, selects a number of students to attend two prestigious conferences for the prosperity and growth of civilian, government, and leadership skills of high school juniors. The 2019 Virginia Boys and Girls State offers great opportunities for students to form cities and create/lead their own governments, participate in a variety of activities they would not get the chance to experience in high school, and meet and communicate with a large group of bright, talented, and like-minded people. The students will attend these programs from June 16-22. Boys State is held on the campus of Radford University, and Girls State takes place on the campus of Longwood University. 2019 DECA President Ryan Monahan exclaims, “I’m very excited to go to Boys State, and I’m so glad I have the opportunity to attend to grow in my leadership skills.”
Girls State
Somari Betton
Ashley Manheim
Avnee Raje
Boys State
Jacob Cantor
Tim Lamb
Vic Lin
Ryan Monahan
Ben Wrobel