National Honor Society Welcomes New Members
2019 NHS Induction
On March 22, 2019, Midlothian’s National Honor Society (NHS) inducted new members from the 2019 and 2020 classes. To qualify for NHS, students must maintain a 3.6 overall GPA and exhibit the four main pillars of the society: scholarship, service, leadership, and character.
Current members of NHS greeted students and families at the doors, as they made their way into the auditorium. Once there, Principal Shawn Abel opened the ceremony and introduced the NHS officers: President Terry Lee, Vice President Grace Beattie, Secretary Kathryn Phillips, Treasurer Kenley Gregory, and Historian Julia Cunningham. Each officer elaborated on the four pillars of National Honor Society and lit a candle to represent each value. The officers then led the new inductees in the National Honor Society pledge.
Lee listed the names of the new inductees as each made their way up to the stage to receive their certificate. After the reading of each name, all in attendance erupted in applause and cheers for the accomplishment of these select students. Following the induction, new and current members enjoyed a reception with a massive cake featuring the NHS insignia in icing.
Congratulation to the new inductees of the National Honor Society:
Paige Advocate-Ross
Dylan Aird
Haifa Al-Ashari
Jibreel Alabood
Annika Anderson
Chloe Arsac
Sarah Aud
Lara Ballout
Anna Basir
Hunter Beck
Natalie Benke
Somari Betton
Zachary Biller
Hannah Bridges
Triniti Brown
Brandon Brown
Hannah Brown
Trenedy Brown-Player
John Burdette
Kyle Burton
Katherine Busick
Jacob Cantor
Bailey Carter
Connor Chamberlain
Victoria Chandler
Derek Christmas
Olivia Clarke
Paul Cline
Yosef Collins
David Cousins
Ryan DaGrava
Rachel Damico
Conan Darrah
Dillon Davenport
Adam Dillingham
Noble Dodge
Dominique Douglas
Andrew Duren
Ethan Edwards
Lee Elkins
Charles Finfgeld Jr.
Nicholas Flynn
Jadyn Foot
Ryan Funderburk
Kaitlyn Gaeth
Courtney Galligher
James Gardner
Justin Geiszler
Peyton Geiszler
Alexi Gentz
Angela Giji
Jack Goddard
Rebecca Gonzalez
Navilla Gottipati
Nour Goulmamine
Abigail Graves
Rylee Gregory
Sarah Hardiman
Zachary Harriman
Sierra Harrison
Zander Hesch
Mary Courtney Hettinger
Abigail Hinz
Cameron Hogge
Margaret Hopper
Elizabeth Horansky
Olivia Ibanez
Evealee Ingram
Ashley Jacobson
Amanda Jennings
Hannah Jens
Samantha Johnson
Mollie Jones
Erin Junkmann
Benson Kaminski
Sydney Killion
Faith Kim
Courtney Klich
Alby Koolipurackal
Zoe Kopidis
Thadeus Kozusko
Katie Krasner
Alexander Kyte
Alexis Labott
Timothy Lam
Caroline Leach
Kasey Lewis
Kendall Lewis
Vic Lin
Madeline Lloyd
Zoe Long
Audrey Longstaff
Analise Lumpkin
Abbey Lynch
Stephen Mabry
David Maddirala
Joseph Maguire
Coleen Maloney
Akhila Mandalika
Ashley Manheim
Jakob Marshall
Benjamin McCormack
Ellery McElhinney
Devon McGill
Tamsyn McKee
Thomas Mendoza
Emily Merry
Jeremiah Millacci
Lauren Misson
Katelyn Mitchell
Ryan Monahan
Zachary Moreau
Emily Morrison
Roselyn Mosher
Alexandra Murias Roman
Alexander Neofotistos
Khahn Nhu Nguyen
Eleanor Northrop
Braden Nostheide
James O’Connell
Rebecca Olds
James Oliver
Mitchell Olsen
Anushka Pandya
Molly Parrish
Jonathan Parsons
Devon Patrick
Chase Payne
Leo Pecci
Jozie Perry
Juliana Peterson
Da-Lan Pham
Quentin Phillips
Elizabeth Potts
Caroline Powell
Francis Powers III
Britney Price
Avnee Raje
Lauren Reinfeld
Emma Rice
Margeux Richie
Kaylee Rodriguez
Thomas Rose
Trevor Ruse
Katelyn Sawyer
Annabel Schepker
Ian Schweitzer
Mason Schweitzer
Benjamin Scott
Caroline Seely
Madeline Sheldon
Cassidy Shelton
Mackenzie Sherrod
Kaitlyn Siegel
Wesley Singer
Ethan Smith
Nataly Solares Sarceno
Ryan South
Casey Steed
Nicole Suddreth
Matthew Tichenor
Helen Trout
Amy Truong
Kayse Umbaugh
Colby Valiente
Dylan Vincent
Alison Vonderharr
Isabel Waldbauer
Nicole Weddington
Karsten Weeks
George Welch III
Emily Whitlow
Preston Willett
Jack Williams
John Williams
Luke Williamson
Nolan Williamson
Caitlin Wright
Benjamin Wrobel
Nadia Yendrek
Ilse Yohn
Hope York