Elective Fair Electrifies Student Body
Students Pitch Their Favorite Electives During All Lunches
On Tuesday, February 5, 2019, select Midlo student paraded to the cafeteria with poster boards and tri-folds for the Elective Fair. Students claimed tables and set up their booths, ready to share information about a favorite class, including World Languages, AP Statistics, Economics, Human Geography, and Psychology. The Business Information Technology & Engineering booth even brought candy to entice the underclassmen to take a look and pick up information. The Fine Arts booth laid out different projects and designs for underclassmen to gush over, and electives, like Journalism & Service Learning set out information and interest sheets. Sophomore Angela Um says, “I thought it was a different approach to getting information on classes, and it was nice to interact with students and get their opinions on all these electives.”
With this year’s new change in the scheduling, students log into Synergy to choose their classes. This recruitment day gave students an opportunity to gain more insight on the classes that interest them. Throughout the lunches, many upperclassmen went around to tables to give out information and briefly talk about what they love most about the class and why they decided to take it. Senior Sarah Moskovitz, representing the Journalism booth, commented, “I thought it was a great opportunity for the freshmen and sophomores to hear about some of the electives that they would otherwise never hear about if not for this recruitment day. I walked to the tables and gave out journalism applications and told them a couple things that I liked about working on our school newspaper.”
Starting Friday, February 8, and running over the next few weeks and months, counselors will meet with students to start setting up their schedules for the 2019-2020 school year.