Snow Falls in Midlothian
Midlo Experienced Its First 2018 Snow and Prepares for Round 2
Much to the delight of every student and teacher, the weekend of December 8, 2018, may bring measurable snow to Richmond; in fact, on Wednesday, December 5, 2018, Richmond received a small preview of the coming storm. Richmond and its surrounding counties expect over four inches of the delicate fluff and temperatures that dip into the high twenties, according to FirstAlert Weather. Midlo students have their eyes peeled in hopes of school cancelling and earning a coveted day off from the endless preparation for midterms.
What are you most excited about the snow?
“I am very excited for the snow because I get to hang out with my friends all day in the snow” – Kendal Singh, 9
“I like the snow days because there is no school, and I get to go sledding with my family” – Patrick Maynes, 9
“Snow days are my favorite because it looks really pretty, and the whiteness of it all can give out great lighting for pictures.” – Briley Blackman, 10
“I like the snow because there are always good vibes. It is so gorgeous and beautiful.” – Jacob Fenyes, 10
“I’m excited for snow because I get to get out of school and have more time to catch up on all my homework.” – Liza Hopper, 11
“I’m so excited for snow because when there is snow, I get to go sledding, and whenever I go sledding, it brings back memories of my childhood.” – Noah Burch, 11
“I’m excited for snow because we get to have a day to stay in all day and [cuddle] up in blankets by a fire.” – Mary Bock, 12
“I am excited for the snow because I can’t wait to make snow angels and snowmen with my siblings.” – Jack Luther, 12