National Business Honor Society Welcomes New Students

National Business Honors Society Inductions

New inductees to National Business Honor Society participate in the induction program.

The National Business Honor Society (NBHS) aims to promote and recognize academic achievement in business and encourage outstanding skill in business. In order to achieve eligibility, a student must take three business classes throughout high school career, demonstrate excellent leadership, service, and academics regarding business, and maintain a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.5 in business classes and a 3.0 overall. All eligible students must complete a detailed application, which a board reviews, accepting students who they believe exhibit qualities of an exemplary business student. On Wednesday, November 14, 2018, Midlothian High School’s National Business Honor Society welcomed twenty-three new inductees to the prestigious group in the library during Midlo Morning. A full house of parents, students, and faculty members packed into the library to celebrate this special occasion.

NBHS President Joe Hester kicked off the induction by welcoming parents, students, faculty, administrators and special guests, CTE Director Chad Maclin, and CTE Program Manager Mary Eckert. Hester introduced Principles of Business and Marketing and Accounting teacher Mrs. Yvonne Mullins, who shared with the crowd the “joy it has been to watch these quality students grow.” Mullins then called each inductee to the front and explained to the audience why they deserve to join the National Business Honors Society, while Principal Shawn Abel congratulated the new inductees while handing them a certificate.

Nick Flynn achieved a 4.2 GPA in business, and Mullins recognized him for his “dedication and excellence in business.” Katie Krasner stands out in and out of the classroom, and Mullins recognized her as her “most inquisitive student.” Jakob Marshall achieved first place in the state in an FBLA competition last year, and even attended the national competition in Baltimore. Mrs. Mullins described him as “the perfect student” and feels he fits perfectly into the NBHS.  Casey Branin explained in his application essay that he “found his passion for life in the business classes he took at Midlo,” which makes the NBHS the perfect place to expand his business knowledge. Mullins described volleyball player Rachel Deel as “fierce on the court and in the classroom” and also welcomed FBLA officer Carson Fuller into the society, along with Ian Gray, who holds a 4.67 business GPA and has achieved straight A’s every year since middle school. The NBHS also welcomed Thomas Gray, who boasts an impressive 5.0  business GPA. FBLA president Will Pomeroy joined the National Business Honor Society, and Mullins shared his knack for business due to his “great head for business and academic drive.”

2018 National Business Honor Society Inductees:

Nick Flynn

Anna Basir

Samari Benton 

Jakob Marshall

Devin McGill

Besmah Al-Ashari 

Haifa Al-Ashari

Carter Averette 

Justin Boim

Casey Branin 

Jake Cohen

Henry Davis

Rachel Deel

Carson Fuller

Ian Gray

Thomas Gray 

Zach Greer 

Matthew Kotait 

Will Pomeroy 

Taylor Shell

Matthew Shea 

Matt Tuch