German Students Study Berlin Airlift
German Students Enjoy Field Trip to University of Mary Washington
Photo by: Mrs. Susanne Böer
German students enjoy a meal at the Bavarian Chef restaurant.
On October 23, 2018, Midlothian High School German students ventured to the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, Virginia, for an all expense paid trip, courtesy of the German Embassy. Students rose bright and early for the hour long trip for a day of German and college-filled festivities.
Students arrived at 9 am and headed straight to the Foreign Language Auditorium to listen to historian Eddy Ides’ presentation about the Berlin Airlift. Following the presentation, students received a complimentary meal at a local German restaurant, the Bavarian Chef. After lunch, the students took a tour around the extensive campus grounds. “An odd thing about the campus was that all the buildings were made out of bricks and decorated with white columns in the front. Everything looks like it [did] in the 18th century. It was peaceful and wasn’t too hard to navigate,” Maytè Losada describes the campus.
At 1 pm, students headed home with more insight on the Berlin Airlift. Frau Böer said, “It was very informative; we got to hear facts that we’ve never heard before. Some students were so impressed with that tour that they’re considering applying there now. I also enjoyed that my students were able to get more hands-on experience about what we’re learning in class.”