Freshmen and Transfer Students Attend Midlo Club Fair
2018 Midlo Club Fair
As the clock struck 9:20 AM on Monday, September 10th, the auxiliary gym was alight with action. Student club officers frantically pushed wooden tables into the gym, eager to set up their tables to promote their clubs to incoming freshmen and transfer students. Senior Britney Price, Editor-in-Chief of the Writer’s Guild & Literary Magazine, joined the pandemonium to display her own club. As she set up the larger tri-fold board with club president Daniel Stein, she admitted, “I’m really nervous for the freshmen to come in, but I’m excited too!” Stein held up a container of candy to persuade the newcomers and chimed in, “I can’t wait to see all the new faces!”
The bell rang, signaling the beginning of Midlo Morning. As freshmen and transfer students started to file into the gym, the small space erupted with shouts of excitement. All at once, the gym erupted into chaos with club officers rushing to greet the new students and freshmen equally as excited, milling around to view all the different clubs. “I was really overwhelmed at first,” freshman Morgan Mischke recalled. “There are a lot of clubs here, and there were so many options. I didn’t even know where to start.” Freshman Bailey Miller also attended the club fair and found it to be a helpful experience, as she shared, “It was pretty cool. I had no idea half these clubs existed before now.”.
Ultimately, everyone left with new ideas and a smile on their face. Officers were excited for new members, while freshmen felt happy to be included in the opportunities that Midlo offers. It proved a club fair many people would never forget. From the chants of the club tables to attract incoming freshmen and the club pamphlets everyone collected, to the bull horn Principal Abel used for promotion, it was a fun, unforgettable experience.