Forensic & Debate Team Rewards Dedication
Forensic & Debate Annual Banquet
On Friday, May 25, 2018, the Forensic & Debate Team hosted its annual banquet. Proud competitors and their families ate dinner and sat in the library, celebrating their accomplishments over the past year and marking the end of the 2018 Forensic & Debate season. Mr. Daniel Cheatham, the head coach of the team, then took the time to award the competitors for their hard work throughout the season.
Mr. Cheatham began by recognizing competitors in the National Speech & Debate Association (NSDA) for their points earned. The NSDA, an honor society for speech and debate competitors, awards points to students for each round of competition in which they participate. Students in the honor society are ranked by their points in different degrees. At Midlothian, the degrees range from Degree of Merit (25-74 points) to Degree of Excellence (150-249 points). The following students received recognition:
Degree of Merit
Makayley Crisp (47)
Jackson Spencer (48)
Sam Perez (63)
Degree of Honor
Matthew Shea (75)
Eve Ingram (84)
Avnee Raje (85)
Noah Dorman (87)
Nour Goulmamine (103)
Elijah Dorman (126)
Courtney Galligher (132)
Degree of Excellence
Quentin Phillips (150)
Jason Li (156)
Joitree Alam (160)
Vincent Mangano (169)
Palmer Ward (174)
Jack Stid (192)
Sai Poluri (216)
Seniors Joitree Alam, Elijah Dorman, Noah Dorman, Jason Li, Vincent Mangano, Sai Poluri, Jackson Spencer, Jack Stid, and Palmer Ward received their NSDA Graduation Cords. Next, Mr. Cheatham recognized the Debate MVP and Forensics MVP. These competitors won the most points for the Midlothian High team. Sophomore Eve Ingram proudly accepted her title of the Debate MVP, an impressive feat considering that this year was her first year on the team. Sophomore Quentin Phillips, won Forensic MVP, and also received a VHSL State Tournament Certificate. Not only did he achieve 1st Place at the Region 4B Varsity Super Regionals Competition, but he also placed 2nd at the state competition.
Finally, after the recognitions and awards concluded, officers Courtney Galligher, Jason Li, Joitree Alam, Sai Poluri, and Vincent Mangano, came together in the annual tradition of giving the coaches a gift at the end of the banquet. Mr. Cheatham welcomed his gift card to Plan 9 Music, a record store in Richmond. Ms. Morris, the Assistant Debate Coach, and Ms. Rebman, the Assistant Forensic Coach, both received Barnes & Noble gift cards. Although the Forensic & Debate season is over for this year, Midlothian High’s team is already itching for the next competition.